unpopular chicken opinions??

Ok do not glare at me BYC I know they are a popular and well-known breed:oops:...however I cannot STAND Rhode Island Reds! For years I have heard the sung praises for this breed and have never understood them or think it is deserved. Every one I have ever had even the mixes for this breed have the rudest bullying nature of any breed I've had.They pick at anything that moves!:he And their egg laying ability I feel is over rated as I have had others lay way more than them. I only have a few RIR mixes at the moment that were given to me but they are going to be the last.
Red Raggles is offended. View attachment 2517541

Offending Red Raggles is a crime of HIGHEST OFFENSE. Penalty is extra snacks for Red Raggles and a sincere apology.
I think hate is a strong word. I only don't like it when chickens are bred in such a way that they suffer--such as certain strains of Cornish X that have loads of health problems that increase the longer you let them live past 6-9 weeks.
:sick If I HAVE to eat meat, I’d rather it come from a healthy animal who had a nice life 🥰 with only one bad day. 😔
I give mine raw eggs. Never had problems with birds suddenly eating the eggs and they watch me crack them and then they get shell strips and the contents right on their feed
Interesting! I would like to believe it’s songbirds getting into my coop to peck the eggs, rather than my chickens going cannibal. I’m covering the openings with half inch hardware cloth today.
The longer the legs, the prettier the bird
schitts creek no GIF by CBC

schitts creek no GIF by CBC
i was considering a no-crow collar for the longest time but i feel like i’d honestly be really sad having to see my boy with a collar on all day every day. i don’t know how anyone with a good concise can look at that and not feel kinda bad for the poor guys
I made a crow collar from a Velcro strip. If it was tight enough to reduce the crow, my boy was in danger of choking on his food. Now my boys no longer live at home. I rent space at a ranch and they’re free to crow as much as they want. I’m just depressed because I miss hearing them wake me in the morning.

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