unpopular chicken opinions??

hahahhahaha unpopular spelling ftw

, but is there really a need for Hen Rescues, because NO the commercial entities are NOT going to give you ANY type of rescue because that'd be admission of abuse, and you know where that would lead legal and reputation wise. They'd sooner send them to slaughter than admit that publicly.
I think they just call them retired? I know people with ex-batts so they got them somehow. if a company can sell a 'retired' hen for money plus not have to pay for them to be euthanized, they might go for that
Rescuing chickens, ha, now there's an idea.
From my experience, although extremely limited. Chickens have NO problems finding homes if they lay eggs, Roosters now, thats a different story. I cant see any commercial anything doing away with a chicken in a manner that does not make profit for them. If it gets sick or injured, it gets thrown into cat food, or your discount nuggets at McDogmeats right next to your big mac.

The only real bird rescues that I ever found were the exotics, ie Parrot Rescues of (fill in the state) but no other bird 'types'.

On this, at one time, I used to raise Bearded Dragons, (Friendly Lizards) for those who don't know. Long story short, I asked the Law Enforcement, ok so you kick in the door to some crack head, throw him in jail, what about the pets? If the trailer had dogs / cats' they'd end up in a shelter or whatnot waiting for adoption. Now I KNOW people have other pets too, snakes, LIZARDS... (see where this is going :) ) birds, etc. What do you do then? The reply was, most of the zoo's take them if they are in decent shape, if it's a bird that's tamed / not psychotic, it'll be snatched up in an instant by many places. They also said that other animals, they know people who'd take them when they need to be rid of them. They also work with the Game Wardens too.

This kind of made sense, I mean, lets look at us. IF someone came up to you and said, hey, I have this chicken that was removed from an abusive / neglectful environment, and you had chickes (which most of us do.....) How many of us would say, well, sure, given the situation, I'll take her in with my flock. I know I would and now that I am part of the Chicken World, I am more attuned to it, so to say, and know many others who have no problems taking in extra chickens.

Rescuing Roosters, yep, a big issue, for obvious reasons, but is there really a need for Hen Rescues, because NO the commercial entities are NOT going to give you ANY type of rescue because that'd be admission of abuse, and you know where that would lead legal and reputation wise. They'd sooner send them to slaughter than admit that publicly. Or make up some BS, they caught XXX and all had to be destroyed etc.


P.S Im not trying to make fun of you, this IS a noble thing you want to do, but some things just are not going to happen. Id LOVE to see a Lizard Rescue or Snake Rescue, but, and in Florida this is a BIG problem, NOT going to happen, it's a big pain the ass, because of permitting etc, and them not wanting the things out in the wild because they WILL survive out here, unlike up north where they'd freeze, and cause big problems. We have a huge mess right now with Pythons that people let loose over the years destroying native animal speces.
from my experience there’s plenty of “rescue” chicken websites, though they’re mostly in the UK. so it is possible. i think i said in my original post that a “chicken shelter” or any type of rescue would be out of the question, but i think (not sure) that the commercial laying places disposed of their birds through rescue programs. after two-three years when the birds slow down they usually euthanize and dump the birds, they don’t have enough meat to be considered up to standard for nuggets or such. in fact, the UK and some small places in the US proudly call themselves hen rescues. the issue isn’t whether or not it should be a thing, it is very much a thing, the real issue is that so many people just skip over the step of rehoming or rescue hens before getting chicks, because they don’t know it’s an option.
from my experience there’s plenty of “rescue” chicken websites, though they’re mostly in the UK. so it is possible. i think i said in my original post that a “chicken shelter” or any type of rescue would be out of the question, but i think (not sure) that the commercial laying places disposed of their birds through rescue programs. after two-three years when the birds slow down they usually euthanize and dump the birds, they don’t have enough meat to be considered up to standard for nuggets or such. in fact, the UK and some small places in the US proudly call themselves hen rescues. the issue isn’t whether or not it should be a thing, it is very much a thing, the real issue is that so many people just skip over the step of rehoming or rescue hens before getting chicks, because they don’t know it’s an option.
Not everyone wants to risk those hens too. They're vaccinated for almost everythibg, so if one is actually sick and just isn't suffering from symotoms, you can decimate a flock that isn't vacinated
Not everyone wants to risk those hens too. They're vaccinated for almost everythibg, so if one is actually sick and just isn't suffering from symotoms, you can decimate a flock that isn't vacinated
The REAL problem is.... people don't know there is an option LOCALLY TO THEM!!

When I first got into chickens about a year ago now. I did not want to have to raise chicks since I knew about nothing about it all, I wanted ones that were already laying eggs. One of my friends turned me onto someone who raised them and sold me a few hens about a year and a half old who obviously were egg layers. I had to look all over and ask around quite a bit to find this, and felt lucky to find this guy. If there was a rescue around or a way to buy commercial hens, for lack of a better word for them, Id have jumped on that in an instant. Not just because the 'rescue' part of it appealed, but the 'already laying eggs so dont have to mess with crap' part too. If there are such places, they really need to advertise more. Especially in this political climate and world of BS we are living now, there are TONS more people wanting to have their own chickens for various purposes. I don't see where these hens would really have many problems finding homes.

unpopular opinion: genetics isnt that hard to understand
I thought that was a popular opinion. And one that I agree with - the basics at least. There are some things that can be more difficult like determining what genes a bird has or what genes cause things and so on. They wouldn‘t need scientists studying it if it were easy to discover new genes and what not.
in fact, the UK and some small places in the US proudly call themselves hen rescues. the issue isn’t whether or not it should be a thing, it is very much a thing, the real issue is that so many people just skip over the step of rehoming or rescue hens before getting chicks, because they don’t know it’s an option.
Out of curiosity, I Googled "chicken rescue" and it seems there are lots of chicken sanctuaries and rescue organizations (mostly for abandoned and rehomed chickens rather than factory farms). I've seen hens and roosters at my local animal shelters, although with Covid, I'm guessing impounded or stray birds just get euthanized.

I was surprised by the number of rescue organizations out there, even in my local area. I want to adopt all abused and abandoned hens and every single rooster out of empathy and because I'm chicken crazy, but in practice wouldn't take any of them. Chicken diseases are just too transmissible (we already have Marek's in our flock).
I thought that was a popular opinion. And one that I agree with - the basics at least. There are some things that can be more difficult like determining what genes a bird has or what genes cause things and so on. They wouldn‘t need scientists studying it if it were easy to discover new genes and what not.
oh yeah let me clarify.
genetics is easy TO APPLY. definitely not easy to find out all the bits. but its easy to make a punnett square with the Genes and alleles that scientists already figured out for you.

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