unsure if i have 2 roosters vs 2 hens


6 Years
Aug 18, 2013

I'm so very new at this! I bought 6 chickens from a local feed store and the man who sold them to me said they were about 4 weeks old. I've had them for awhile now so I'm guessing they are about 9-10 weeks as of now. I've started to notice some differences in 2 of my 6. I question myself when looking at them because they are of different breeds but I'm not sure exactly what breeds that may be.
I'm focused on the little knobs that the 2 birds have on the inner legs and when comparing them to the rest of my birds its difficult because the others all have black legs so the knobs if any don't stand out as much plus the comb on these 2 are more developed than the rest. I thought id give it a try and post some photos of them to see what others might know and think about the sex.

Yes welcome. !!

Take photos also of combs and the tail and neck feathers. Those will give a better idea Of sex than the bumps you are looking at.

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