Unusual living circumstances? Please advise…

Lucky you and your chickens. I would love to have a barn that big, maybe one day.
The big barn made the purchase of this place easier... I love old barns like this! It's something that you have to be inside to really enjoy it. All hand made and built. It's amazing that they were able to build it. From what I've been told the barn is 115 years old.... ...and nccountrygirl, I'm sure you'll have a nice big barn some day!

HA! Good eye. Yeah, I wrote a few names on there for 'em... I don't think the same hen is ever in one spot... One of the roosters, I like to call Skipper knows his name. When he is out side ranging I can call his name even if he is on the other side of my land and he'll come running. Chickens are pretty smart animals. You'd never know unless you had some, right...?

Thanks about the barn, the chickens like it!

The chicken that you are asking about is an Araucana Americanan Or at least that is what I ordered. They are supposed to be an easter egg laying chicken, they lay colored eggs... even though I have not seen any yet from them... I'll keep everyone posted. On that note, my Red and Black Stars lay pretty good, even in the cold weather I get almost a dozen a day and that isn't even from all of them yet! Fingers crossed, I hope more start laying soon!


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