unwanted geese please contact me if any i love them soo much

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How much are you willing to pay? Will you pay shipping or pickup?

I see you are a rescue organization, can you provide a 501(c)3 tax receipt? I know a lady here in SC who doen't want to keep her geese anymore, they're all ganders.
Well, I just talked to the lady and she is not willing to pay you to take them, nor does she want to drive that far to deliver them. She'd rather sell them and get some of her money back. Sorry it isn't possible.
She wants me to take them but I don't have a pond and I know nothing about geese!

Have you posted an ad on your local Craig's List? A donation type organization like yours would pretty much have to be small and locally oriented. It would be highly unlikely that someone would deliver or ship unwanted birds to you when the could sell them on CL locally.
WHOA!!!! Hold up there! You are advertising to get FREE chickens, ducks, geese, quail and turkeys, sick or not, presenting yourself as a rescue, and yet you have a Craig's List ads (3 of them) begging for food both from 2 days ago and then again today? AND you are hatching more? And you have just reopened 2 days ago? May I ask why you were closed? I'm sorry, I don't mean to be offensive, but someone in the rescue business NOT go hatching more birds who may end up homeless. They focus on rehoming the ones they have rescued.



You need to rethink your plans before you get too deeply involved in rescue. You can't offer to take all unwanted birds, sick or not, and expect to make any money selling them. I did wildlife rescue for years- it always cost me money, no matter what the donations were. Frankly, I think you're looking to get birds for free and try to make money off of them, some extra income for a teenager.

While I admire your willingness to work hard, I think your plan needs some rethinking and needs to be refined by ethical, moral and business compasses. Best of luck.
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