unwashed eggs......


Now, If you want them to be edible or not is a different story...
-Can't say exactly, but it's long enough not to worry about it. I guess I would consider a month to be safe. In many other countries eggs aren't refrigerated at all. In or out of the fridge they should be stored unwashed.
Honestly, I never refrigerate my eggs. Unless they're washed or cracked they don't rot, even in hot weather. Now, they DO evaporate, and I have boiled 2 month old eggs and had only a half an egg left in the shell when it was all said and done. It makes sense if you think about it, chickens always lay eggs and if the ones that don't get set just rotted there would be a lot of rotting eggs running around. And have you ever noticed that if a chicken sees egg yolk they slurp it up in an instant? Maybe a defense mechanism, cause a spoiled egg in a nest is a sure way to attract attention from chicken eating things. I dunno, that's my speculation on the matter.

Also, if you're unsure if an egg is rotten or not, just sniff the shell. You'll know if it's bad!
If an egg is old almost always it will float aswell! (Bigger air cell) If you spin a boiled egg and a raw egg the boiled egg will spin faster. The yolk sloshes around in the raw egg and absorbs most of the energy. The solid egg will spin faster.

God Bless!
I lived in Mexico for a while with a family and even in the hot weather, the eggs were never put in the fridge. They just sat on the kitchen counter.
Never had a "bad" egg.
Why would you not wash eggs if they are soiled a little? Should I not be doing this and for what reason?
When you wash an egg you remove the bloom, a protective coating of sorts that the hen applies to the egg during the laying process. With the bloom intact, dirt and germs are sealed out. Without the bloom, they spoil faster.
ETA: If you must wash an egg, it is best to do so in water at least 20 degrees warmer than the egg itself. Cold water causes the pores in the eggshell to contract, pulling exterior dirt and germs into the egg. Warm water causes the pores to open, pushing the dirt to the outside.
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