Unwelcome visitor


8 Years
Aug 1, 2011
Southern Indiana
...This is what I found when checking on the young peafowl. The peahen did not like the uninvited visitor either.
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How do you get rid of these suckers? I have one that got into my chicken coop a month ago, only its front half is white and the back half is black, still smells the same.....LOL We have thought of getting a gun but with our luck we would shoot our foots off....... so now we just want to get it gone some other way. Let me know if you have any other way. We are having to completely move our chickens to a different location.
sprinkle chopped up garlic around the pen. It will stink, but not near as bad and nowhere ner as deadly as a skunk. Or you can plant garlic, that works too. I find it best to buy some cloves of garlic and smash them in a ziplock, then sprinkle it around the property. Good for keeping just about anything, including snakes, away
My wife and I have shot 5 of those in the last two months. We use a Remington Vantage 1200 fps .177 air rifle. Has enough power to kill raccoons, which we've gotten two of. Only problem is, it's a single shot break barrel, and a pain to reload quickly if you don't get a clean first shot. But when the scope is sighted in, it's pretty deadly.
It dug in.
Several years ago we put wire underground around the barn. But the varmints have been working on it. They have chewed and dug in some areas and the wire in several spots is bent.
Will have to dig it up and replace it.

I don't know what else to do.

We have killed many of them, but they keep coming.

A few nights ago I was sitting out there watching for them with my gun and I saw a black blur run under the chair I was sitting in. I thought it was our black cat, bent down to pet him, and it was a skunk!
I jumped about 6 feet since I realized I touched the skunk.

The skunk seemed surprised too and quickly ran off before I got my senses back to shoot.

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