UPCOMING FLORIDA Swaps/Sales/Shows/Events/Fairs - GEORGIA too

Anyone know of any good auctions to go to to get hatching eggs in north or central fl?

I personally won't buy eggs at auctions unless I don't care about what I get. I bought some (what I was told were) Heritage Rhode Island Red eggs. I really should have know better. After I hatched them they turned out to be more like Production Reds. Since I have bought birds from breeders I know that have the real thing. One time a friend brought some eggs to the auction that were shipped to her by mistake. She ordered Heritage Barred Rocks and was sent some (which turned out to be) Heritage Rhode Island Red eggs which she game me. I sometimes have taken my excess cockerels to the auctions.

I personally won't buy eggs at auctions unless I don't care about what I get. I bought some (what I was told were) Heritage Rhode Island Red eggs. I really should have know better. After I hatched them they turned out to be more like Production Reds. Since I have bought birds from breeders I know that have the real thing. One time a friend brought some eggs to the auction that were shipped to her by mistake. She ordered Heritage Barred Rocks and was sent some (which turned out to be) Heritage Rhode Island Red eggs which she game me. I sometimes have taken my excess cockerels to the auctions.


I will buy eggs at auctions to get brown egg layers and I just sell them as mixed brown egg layers for people who don't care what kind they get. I sell those chicks alot cheaper than my full blooded ones I know for sure. The hatch rate on shipped eggs is so unpredictable and I hatch on a pretty large scale. My main buyer doesn't care what kind they are as they grow them for meat just that they're large birds so if I can see the eggs that gives me a little idea of size. I try to get local as much as I can from people I know but when doing in bulk I can't afford 10-25 a dozen for the many dozens it takes to fill a sportsman :(
I love my sportsman...
That was my problem. I had two sportsmans also but sold one.

I have way too many birds. I need to concentrate on my breeds of choice. I want to get back down to around 100 birds. I'm sure you do staggered hatches too. I find I have a hard time selling because I become attached to the birds from hatch through adult. Now I'm trying to concentrate on the breeds I want to show. There are always going to be culls even if I sell them. Do you go to the Florida Sunshine Classic Poultry Show in Lake City the 2nd Saturday in January? If you do, please stop by and say Hi. Eric (The Pampered Pullet Farm) and I (Hilltop Farm) are usually set up outside next to the first entrance to the parking area.
I have way too many birds. I need to concentrate on my breeds of choice. I want to get back down to around 100 birds. I'm sure you do staggered hatches too. I find I have a hard time selling because I become attached to the birds from hatch through adult. Now I'm trying to concentrate on the breeds I want to show. There are always going to be culls even if I sell them. Do you go to the Florida Sunshine Classic Poultry Show in Lake City the 2nd Saturday in January? If you do, please stop by and say Hi. Eric (The Pampered Pullet Farm) and I (Hilltop Farm) are usually set up outside next to the first entrance to the parking area.

Yea, I need to get to that myself. I'm trying to decide which breeds I want to do. I still think I'll hatch some main breeds like RIR and Buff Orpington just to keep the incubator full. I want to get some of the not so common breeds and concentrate on those and fill the incubator with some good laying stock :) I haven't been to the poultry show but I will definitely try to make it this year and will stop by and talk with you guys for sure!

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