Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

I'm betting she'll be fine. I have a golden Campine named Kitty Cat who had her right wing torn off. Unfortunately, when we tried to find a vet to help us nobody treated chickens. The only "advice" we got from one vet was to "put her down if she's that hurt, it's just a chicken." That was when she was about 3 months old. She will now be a year old in September. Chickens are tough. Kitty Cat doesn't act any differently from the other chickens. You'd never know she was missing a wing. So, at least your girl still has her wing, but even if it loses function she won't be any different. I hope you find what attacked your girls. We never did figure out what happended to Kitty Cat.

Here's Kitty Cat

Just so you know, that picture was taken on the side that she lost her wing. You can't even tell, can you?
Thanks for the concern. She didn't lose her wing. It is cut really badly at the shoulder. The skin is ripped down to the nerves and tendons. Took quite a few stitcheds, but it is still attached although it's hanging limp now. The vet says she may have some permanent disabilty. (Wonder if she can draw Social Security?
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Coming up on the 5:30 antibiotic dose. She has been outside most of the day, although I did bring her in while we were out running errands.

I was working around the coop today and noticed that she took a longer than normal afternoon siesta. We also trimmed her wing feathers because she was dragging them along the ground and stepping on them.

She's still a bit aloof, but seems OK otherwise. I'm sure she must be sore.

We're still giving her anitbiotics at 5:30 AM and PM. I've let her stay in the coop with the other chickens unless we're not around to be with them. She seems OK, but remains a bit aloof. She drags the wing, but we've clipped the feathers so they don't drag the ground. I saw her try to flap today and that wing didn't do anything. She can roost and seems to be able to jump OK. She's also been preening herself and eating and drinking.

Bottom Line: She's doing OK but she still acts aloof and a bit out of it compared to the other chickens and I fear she's lost the use of this wing.
I hope she makes it too! Muscles take so long to heal, & she is probably sore. Cats are very good at reaching in with their paws to grab at things. I once lost a parakeet to a cat. The parakeet was loose in a room with the door shut. The cat nabbed it when it walked by the bottom of the door.
I suspect a cat myself. We have a neighbor who let's her cat roam, although I"ve never seen it in my backyard. I have seen a stray several times.

Thanks for your well-wishes. I lost my stomach muscles to beer and they haven't healed yet!
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