Update on chicks..


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 24, 2009
East Tenn..
First thing first.....I just want to say thank you to everyone that
helped me lastnight on here...I had 12 eggs in the bator, and ended
up with 10 chicks...What a grate %..Now, this is the funnie part of it all..
I had 5 chicks lastnight before bed, got up to 3 more over nite, then the other two hatched
around 10 this morning...thats really not the funnie part..the last one
that hatched, was Black..all my chicks are yellow, and the last one
has a black back with a yellow belly...To cute....
It almost remineds me of a story, something about a little ugly duck..LOL..I hope all
the little buggers make it.... I love doing this....it is habit forming..
Thanks again to everyone !!!!!!! Mitch......
There all our eggs from our hens....I have no clue as to why it
is black on top and yellow on its belly...but the first time we did this
some of the chicks came out with black spots on them,
which turned brown later on........there all leghorns, but one,
she is a delaware............
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I once had a showgirl hatch out with a bunch of bantie EE's. Never did figure that one out. She (or he, who can tell) is cute but funny looking.

You wouldn't believe how surprised I was when she hatched out. This was last summer's hatch. Gosh. I looked and brought her in my hand to show my husband, and asked i f he noticed anything different about the chick, and he said, well, other than that it doesn't have any fluff on its neck...and it has black skin...no...

Since, then, it has developed a sort of reddish cast to some of its feathers--at first I thought it was bleeding, but no.

Oh--I am sorry--didn't mean to hyjack your thread, it just reminded me!

Congrats on the chicks, and let us know if you figure out who produced little Blackie.


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