Update on my flock!


In the Brooder
May 20, 2022
Yakima, WA
Ok, so, my four "ladies" have grown up quite a bit and I think the verdict is in on the sex of my quartet! When I first asked for help sexing this group I did so thinking that I had 4 girls, though the consensus was that it more likely was that I had 3 boys and 1 girl (boy was that rough!) Now, I think (thanks to the arrival of their mature plumage) that I can pretty safely assume that of my original 4, I have 2 girls and 2 boys, however, I have since then gotten 5 more and was told from the person I got them from that I was getting 2boys and 3 girls. Could anyone help me confirm this? The 5 new members are Khaki-Runners, with 3 of them a light tan/golden color, one a darker brown (quite similar in coloring to the female rouens) and one pretty much in the middle...

Here is the YouTube link to my video:
My apologies for the lack of sound! I am uploading another video, this time with sound! Also, thank you, very much for the sexing link! Being able to hear the difference between the male and female voices made it much clearer what sounds I'm looking for! After listening to the samples, I do believe that the 3 golden ones are females. The other two aren't as talkative though, so I am still unsure. They both seem to have more of a higher pitched, raspy sound, almost more like a squeak... is that more like what a drake would sound like? Here is the link to the new video:
I def hear drakes and I hear a quack not sure who it's coming from. You can also pick up each one separately and walk off with them Sometimes you can get a good listen to voices that way. They are beautiful ducks.
So, if I do end up with a ratio of 4 males to 5 females, what would be the best way to balance out the ratio (to both keep my drakes from fighting over the ladies and protect the ladies from the horny drakes)? I am not against introducing a few more females to the flock, but if that would be the best/simplest option, what would be the safest way to introduce them without the new arrivals getting picked on by the veterans of the flock?
Your drakes will need at least 3 and up females each to keep anyone from being over mated and then there is no guarantee they won't pick on one or two and abuse them. Best would be to have drake jail until fall. I have 2 drakes and 12 females and no one gets over mated. More females is always better.
To introduce newbies the best way is through fencing let them live side by side like that to get used to each other then start letting them be together with supervision. Sometimes a week is all they need sometimes longer. No set rules with ducks.

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