Update on Rouen Ducks


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2022
These are my 2 Rouen ducks. I’m trying to figure out if they are male or female. Every time I think I’ve got it figured out, they just confuse me more lol. Any suggestions?
How old are they? Beautiful also.
here ya go females quack drake have a raspy voice and don't quack like females.
They are 14 weeks tokorrow. Been trying to listen for the quacks. One is loud and one is quiet which makes me think there’s one of each, but they also both have like a greenish color to the tops of their heads when the sun hits.
Any chance of a video? Voice is really the best way to tell. Even females can have a bit of a greenish sheen in the sun. If one is loud in an annoy-the-neighbors-two-miles-away kind of way, I would say that’s a female!
If I can figure out how to add a video later I will. After watching that link someone posted above, Im hopeful that I have 1 girl and 1 boy. I also have 1 girl and 1 boy Pekin. Do you think that will be ok or will I have to get rid of one of the males? They currently live in a coop and run with my chickens and have since birth.
If I can figure out how to add a video later I will. After watching that link someone posted above, Im hopeful that I have 1 girl and 1 boy. I also have 1 girl and 1 boy Pekin. Do you think that will be ok or will I have to get rid of one of the males? They currently live in a coop and run with my chickens and have since birth.
It would probably be best to give away one boy and get 2 more girls. It’s suggested to have 4-5 hens per duck. Also, it can seriously harm or kill your chickens if your duck tries to mate with them because the chickens don’t have the right anatomy for the drakes.

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