**UPDATE** on shrink-wrapped chick...HE'S OUT! :0)

I'm a noob to incubating and I messed up my first hatching group last week. I shrink wrapped them by opening the incubator. After 3 dying after pipping I helped the rest hatch and they all lived.

One was tiny and it lost a lot of blood on the way out. I just kept removing a little shell at a time and re-wetting the paper towel with warm water. At the end it just gave a mighty shove and the round shell came off and it lost a quarter sized amount of blood. The chick layed in the incubator without much movement so I made a very heavy sugar syrup and made it drink out of a medicine dropper. Within an hour it was up and running. Now it is almost a week later and it's still small but every bit as sassy as the other 5.

So what I'm saying is Don't Give Up! Not until it's dead anyway.
Thank you, gypsymoon, I dont plan on it! How long do you think I should wait, in between removing more of the shell? I want to help it, I dont want to hurt it and do more damage...
He is mostly out and should be able to do the rest! I didnt see anymore blood and I got the part of the membrane that was stuck on his face off. He looked so relieved when I did that, as was I. I want him to fight alittle bit to get the rest of the way out, after all, there is only maybe a 1/3 of his shell left. He is strong because he got his 1 foot out and was kicking me, lol. Im feeling very optimistic about this chick :0)
He's out and starting to flop around! I left in about 1/3 of his shell so he had to fight alittle bit to get out. Looks like he is going to do good
Well its been a bad week to be one of my birds. Only three hatched. One was shrink wrapped. I freed it and it was ok. One had splaid legs. Sometime yesterday the waterer in ther brood broke or something and leaked allll over the place. Because its been so warm there wasn't a heat lamp. Because it's fair week I have been leaving the house at 7am and don't get back till around 11pm. I'm in FFA and 4-H between them and work I haven't been home. They where super chilled. I thought they were dead until they moved their beaks. They went into the incubator which was nice and warm. When I got up at 5:30 my two strong healthy ones were gone. Now my chick with splaid legs is going slowly. To top it off one of my turkeys is sick no clue why. On the upside I did really well at the fair and got a new breeding ewe.

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