Update! Prolapsed Vent or something else??? The Saga Continues . . .

Keep her in a dark quite area with food and water and just watch and make sure that the vent does not come out and that everything is looks normal.
great news
Okay, she just laid a shell-less egg. Was this what was supposed to be in the soft shell or was this another failed attempt at a complete egg?
does it look like a little water balloon? do you give her oyster shell along with her layer feed? Has she been laying without problems before now?
Looked like a regular egg that had been cracked open; I found her eating it. The flock has oyster shell in the coop along with layer feed. I think she's been okay before now but I'm still trying to figure out who laid what so I'm not positive.
I just recently saw one of my hens eating a soft shelled egg before I could get to her, so it does happen.. lets just hope it will work itself out.. haven't any idea who laid the one I saw the hen eating either, they all seem to be fine.

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