UPDATED 2nd Annual Sharkie Chickenstock NY 12989 Saturday JUNE 1 2013 10-3pm

Just saw this thread, ANDsome of the old thread..Someone catch me up,I know WHEN, but WHERE?!! You think there will be some started pullets there (hope its not a stupid question) when It comes to my chicken addiction and chicken parafanalia and all these goodies ya'll are mentioning.....My pockets explode!!!!!!! :)
No me and my girlfriend/fiance. we are planning on driving up north from ct antiquing (her new hobby of the year) and we have a small flock of 20 mostly red stars and a few leghorns...but I find my self unable to pass up opportunities like this, we want to add a little color to our flock!! Im 29 had chickens since I was a baby cause I grew up on a farm, then got her addicted lol...

awww poor chicken's, thus is nature, dont blame poor puppy, its instinctual (I had my bengal cat do a break-in into my brooder once in the wee hours of the morning....I found her sitting in the middle with one lone feather hanging out her side of mouth) I was sad but she looked like the cheshire cat lol all 4 chickies gone...not a beak or claw in sight

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