Updates and happenings from new chick mother.


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 27, 2012
Hi, I've been on this site for a little while and did lots and lots of research and I finally got 5 chicks!! I just wanted to share the joy and the happenings of raising them with y'all. They're all pullets (knock on wood): one barred rock, one RIR, one yellow/golden Polish, and two Americaunas(stil can't spell tha)t. I got them on 4/17 my dad's b day so, easy to remember. I don't know their exact ages; I know the RIR is at least a week older, the rest I would say are the same age. So, on average they're coming up on 2 weeks old.

I have 2 in an aquarium and 3 in a large tuperware storage bin because I didn't feel like (from calculating how much space they needed) that they had enough room. I fear I'll have to find something bigger sooner and I'm not sure what separating them will do to their social/flocking needs or something. I'm feeding them non medicated feed with probiotics and supplementing their water with 2tbs ACV and 2 tps garlic per gallon each day. I've elevated the feeders and waterers to try to avoid getting poop in their feed water. If poop somehow gets into their feed or water how important is it to change it right when that happens? I don't want them getting sick but I also don't want to have to clean/change the water a million times a day. I wonder how often I need to change the litter, they are in cedar which I hope is okay but I'l do more research.

There is a 55 watt heat lamp in one brooder and a halogen in the other. I purchased two cheap thermometers from Rural King to keep an eye on that. I've mostly been going by behavior and they seem okay but I'm slightly worried because I don't know what the "right temp" is to keep them at not knowing their exact age. Both thermometers read eighty something(I think they're broken because they really haven't moved ever). I have a heater fan in there I can use if they need more heat but I don't want to overdo it. From reading that they need to be at 95 degrees at first and to go down by 5 degrees each week (which seems extremely HOT) I hope I can keep them around 85* for now.

They all have their distinct personalities and quirks which are adorable. All crazy about minced garlic. Some are good foragers, some talk a lot, and one really is afraid of me. I'm kind of concerned about my barred rock, she just hasn't grown very much since I got her and the rest of them seem to be doing just fine in that area. She peeps constantly, she's always talked the most but she just peeps and peeps and I don't know what she needs/wants.

Thank you for reading this. We started "building the coop" today from an old A-frame shelf. I would have to take photos so that it would make sense how it would work. It will be an A-frame; coop on top floor 6'x34" and run underneath 12 square feet. From my math it should be adequate space and I'm excided to build it.

Also, I'm thinking about vaccinating for Marek's and pox soon.

Will post photos tooo!

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I"m sorry I wanted to add again after checking up on her that my barred rock seems to be in real distress!!! Constantly peeping loudly like she's looking for something and can find it. I have no idea what to do. She's also not growing like the rest. She's bony. She use to peep the most but I think she's sick but I can't think from what. They have food and water and pleanty of heat. She started to do this and I added more heat and she's still freaking out. I wonder if she has a parasite and or mites. The not putting on weight part is what's scaring me most. Any advice would be appreciated.
I don't know a lot about chickens. I'm very new to this myself! It's fascinating though, huh?

I have no suggestions about your little Rock friend. But, I wanted to mention a couple of things. Although chicks require heat, I think ventillation is also very necessary. I worry about that with the containers that you mentioned. And I read somewhere that cedar shavings are not good because of ...something about the oils from the cedar mixing with the ammonia in the urine or something like that. So, I think the white shavings like pine or maybe aspen are alright... someone else will have to tell you that for sure.

I'm still learning so much, and it's amazing how I always just saw a yard full of chickens and looked over them and now I'm taken in. lol Good luck with yours! I still only have one three week old RIR chick, but I'm trying so hard to find it a friend.
I'm right there with ya haha. Thanks for the encouragement I'm on my way to the store soon. Hope your little ones are doing well.

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