
In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 18, 2007

Hopefully I figured this out. I'm about ready to give up but I wanted to show off my chickens.
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Not to burst your bubbles(I guess I'd say), but it shows a red X next to photobucket. I don't know much about it either, or maybe it's my computer but it ain't showing up. Figured I'd let ya know.
Okay...I can't see them and I am pretty limited in my abilities as a loading the pic person !!.....sooo....Did you post the link of photobucket or paste/copy between the IMGs?..I think you have to click on one and then another for the pics to show...That's what works for me.....
I found this for you.
To Post Photos:

1. Upload your photo to a photo hosting site and resize it for the message board (640x480 or smaller).
2. Copy the URL for the photo and paste it in your message.
3. Highlight the URL in your message, then click on "Img" button above the message. Your URL will be wrapped by two image tags and will look like this:

4. Use "Preview" button to check the picture before submitting.

How To Post Pictures From Photobucket:

1) Login to your account
2) Copy the "IMG CODE" (as seen in the 3rd option in the image below).
3) Paste the code as-is into your forum post. You do NOT need to use the Img tags as they are already included from Photobucket.​

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