Upper respiratory? Symptom confirmation/medication advice needed


In the Brooder
Feb 18, 2015
Hey all,

I have 3, 3 month old australorp hens and suspect one may have an URI. No coughing or sneezing that I can see but when she clucks it sounds rhaspy or hoarse compared to the other two and today when I was in the run with them I could hear almost a slight wheeze, a definite intake of breath before she'd cluck. Not on her normal breaths, but as if she's taking a big deep breath to make noise and it's straining her. One of the other girls had a similar hoarse cluck for a day but then it passed and she's fine. This girl's had this for 3 days now. I originally thought it might just be something that came along with the transition from baby peeps to big girl clucks, but with the wheezy sounding breath intakes I'd rather play it safe.

I'm planning on going forward and treating it as if there's some sort of viral upper respiratory exposure and, based on what I've read on this forum, am ordering some Tylan 50 online (closest feed store that carries anything other than an oral 'in the water' type antibiotic is over an hour away) but I can't find somewhere to get the syringes/needles I need to do the injections. I could've sworn I still had some lying around the house from my vet tech days, but darned if I can find them. Anyone know of where one could get a hold of 3cc syringes/needles without seeming like a druggie? haha If I can't get a hold of syringes, I'll just go with the oral antibiotic from the feed store but I'd rather treat this and nip it right in the bud since they're young and still a bit stressed with being new to the great outdoors of their coop and the darn blackbird that keeps landing on their run and 'claiming' it! Thanks in advance for any advice!

TLDR; Where can I get syringes for antibiotic injections without seeming like a drug addict?
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