UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

I give up I tried emailing and leaving mulitple messages for her-I dont have time to chase her down:-( If she calls she calls
OMG! I wanna go!!!! I miss NY soooo much...

Something else is happening in October and I can't remember what... maybe it was september... I know Blizzcon is around this time and I said I was gonna go to his thing since I couldn't go to Blizzcon to make myself feel better... maybe I was gonna go to the new Harry Potter world... Think Think Think....

Ah sorry started rambling.'

If Nava is going she might be bringing some chickens and/or eggs back for me! Id rather drive to Ocala than upstate NY
Blizzcon? LOL I thought for sure NO one on these pages would have any idea that was but a geek like me! I STILL play video games and always will

LOL we just BARELY missed out on tickets and theyre WAYY too expensive on e-bay. I STILL can't remember what it was I was gonna go to instead.... What the HECK is happening that weekend?! This is gonna drive me NUTS till I remember!!!

So, whats for sale so far? this way I know how much money I have to save up, LOL

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