UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

OMG! I'm so sorry! Why do they have to be so mean to each other all the time? Unfortunate;y, in my coop, it's the splash orp pullets who are the bullies, but not that bad, at least. good luck!
OMG! I'm so sorry! Why do they have to be so mean to each other all the time? Unfortunate;y, in my coop, it's the splash orp pullets who are the bullies, but not that bad, at least. good luck!

Thank you:) They have alot of room to sleep and such I dont get it???
Oh, Bad, bad Turkeys!
I always tell my misbehaving livestock that I can eat them if they don't stop!

Good luck with the meat chickens, mine never did what they were supposed to (mainly sit, eat, poop and grow) I think one of the other chickens told them they were not Meat Chickens.

The up side to free range meat chickens is you don't have to feed them as much, and they will eat anything. The bad side is that as it turns out, "anything" also included some escapee baby buns!
Is it wrong that I cheerfully killed and cooked the last Meat Chicken? A fox ate my other three, leaving of course, Bunny Killer alone.
Ok, so basically here is what I have and if anybody wants any of these speak up, if not, on craigslist they go! I have one trio of BBS LF Cochins, 2 pairs of Olive eggers, one is F2 on is first gen. I also have button quail. My wish list is more cotournix eggs. Dont really need anything other than that... let me know. I can hatch out as many buttons as anyone wants, my breeders aren't for sale. I will also have mixed eggs for sale, and if anyone wants them this late in the year, some BLRW eggs for sale as I can almost guaruntee two of my hens will be laying then and they're both GORGEOUS.
BBS LF cochins? Are these from me? if they are I want them! I miss Patrick so bad. what color is the male??? how old are they again?? LOL
BBS LF cochins? Are these from me? if they are I want them! I miss Patrick so bad. what color is the male??? how old are they again?? LOL

No sweety not from you the male looks splash as far as I can tell and the two pullets also look blue. They are 6 weeks old and super healthy and fluffy! I love them to bits
But there are too many with the whole moving thing. I need to get it down to no more than 20 birds before winter. I'd do a trade with you for some olive eggs in the spring maybe??
BBS LF cochins? Are these from me? if they are I want them! I miss Patrick so bad. what color is the male??? how old are they again?? LOL

No sweety not from you the male looks splash as far as I can tell and the two pullets also look blue. They are 6 weeks old and super healthy and fluffy! I love them to bits
But there are too many with the whole moving thing. I need to get it down to no more than 20 birds before winter. I'd do a trade with you for some olive eggs in the spring maybe??

you can have olive eggs now haha--oooh Im thinking Im thinking..Im supposed to be downsizing now too-but I have a funky thing going on and have to watch it as I had a 13 week old splash orp die last week out of nowhere now one of my blrw looks funky-no sneezing girgling-snots nothing-just looke tired and drink alot? Put her in a cage by herself with duramycin water hoping that might help???
Not sure if the email function works here and not to intrude on any privacy, but sonew123, this is Gavin! If you are my old babysitter I'd love to hear from you! Even if you're not I'm so glad other wayyyyy upstaters are into chickens. We have 62 right now. Hoping to start selling pastured poultry next year (eggs and meat). We have a small farm in Westport -

Any ways, if this is my awesome babysitter from about 22 years ago I would love to hear from you. Yor brother was suppossed to come down here a few weeks ago (if this is you?). [email protected]

Sorry to take personal space here folks - back to the chickens!
I emailed you cak too-you have babies now too? EVERYONE welcome Gavin aboard! He was the cutest little boy and I do mean cute ( in his 10-12 yeaer old state) he had 2 other little brothers I watched for about 2 years off and on-Anytime I saw your mom or dad I always asked about you guys and wished all was good and now I can see it is! 62 chickens boy your almost kicking my butt-I had over 100 and have been downsizing lately. Since you posted on this thread I can opnly assume you are coming to chickenstock? LOL
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