UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

I had my car in the shop yesterday. Showed up real early and told them I'm driving to NY and I don't want anything to go wrong. Do this everytime before a road trip. In 24 yrs of road trips in old, high mileage cars, broke down once when the gas gauge needle stuck half way and we ran out of gas in Arkansas, and had a battery die in Dallas. Had to find a taxi at the hotel that would take 2 big scary looking dogs in the back seat with me to the show. Big tip!
omgosh you are so patient and talented! that is a really great idea! Too bad I can't paint like that. I do great walls, though.

I had never done them before last year-when Miss prissy's thread on Xmas came up and I followed her directions:) I t is very calming and I decided last year thats what I was giving as gifts to everyone-rave reviews thank goodness-some people I didnt know how they would take it-but financially we just couldnt spend the $ on anyone like we used too and my girls came first with available $ you know?

I'm thinking this would be a fun project with our 4-H kids. We've done Romanian eggs before...they came out great! Nat...what materials do you need, and where can you get them?
I want Nat to know how much I appreciate her putting this chickenstock on. I helped put on a Dog National Specialty one year and was horrified at the amount of labor involved and Nat seems to be going all out. AND she has kids and a full time job and a side biz. I would croak.

I salute you!
I had never done them before last year-when Miss prissy's thread on Xmas came up and I followed her directions:) I t is very calming and I decided last year thats what I was giving as gifts to everyone-rave reviews thank goodness-some people I didnt know how they would take it-but financially we just couldnt spend the $ on anyone like we used too and my girls came first with available $ you know?

I'm thinking this would be a fun project with our 4-H kids. We've done Romanian eggs before...they came out great! Nat...what materials do you need, and where can you get them?

I use:

Shishkabob wooden sticks-to hold eggs while I paint them with clear glaze get like 50 of them-
rub on transferrs from anywhere make sure they are rub ons NOT stickers-Michael's or I get most from ebay:)
Mod Podge-glossy a big jug
paint brushes short bristles
if you dont want to actually blow the eggs out by mought get big needless syringes to suction the egg out
after you suction eggs out they have to dry for at least 24 hours if not 48 hours-they will drip fluids for a day I clean them down on day one and two
after the tranfers are on the eggs then you can paint with the gloss a good coat as it acts as a hardener too
you will need freindship bracelet strings or string that is thin enough to make a loop-to put on the tree
you will also need the end pieces sorta like buttons? forgot the name of them:-(
Brindle that was the sweetest thing thank you Chickenstalker pmd me the same thing and My response was and is "My pleasure" you guys don't know how much you have all meant to me in the past 2 years-my buddies-my sistah's-my bro's-my psychotherapists-doctors-most of all great friends that have a special hobby of mine in common:) It is my way to thank all of you -Love you guys!!!
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x 2!

I cancelled a party for 75 people in June because I was so overwhelmed!!
I can only imagine putting on an "event"!!

It hasnt been "that" bad yet. Its when Friday rolls in and Im like ahhhhhhhhhhhh..But I have alot of people helping me enjoy and laugh through the whole thing so no worries at all....The hardest part was all the solicitations and communications with everyone-wow! Dh is getting excited for me ( and hiding his excitement too) but he is looking forward to about a week after it's over-all photos are posted here and it calms down! That and Im not whipping him to finish working-Im telling you The work I can get that man to do when I put my foot down with deadlines that involve others--wow wind up soldier!
x 2!

I cancelled a party for 75 people in June because I was so overwhelmed!!
I can only imagine putting on an "event"!!

That's when you call in your friends for help! A great team means the difference between success and failure. It's all about the organization and SIMPLIFY!! No one knows what you had PLANNED to get done - they only see the result, which is usually more that enough to satisfy. Went through this every year when I ran the school fair and the Winterfest, for 500 and 300 people each, respectively. Obviously worked, cause I kept going back to do it again.

So, set up that party again,Muggs! You can do it!

Nat, you're awesome! Feel better!
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