UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

Hmmm...cochin eggs are smaller...not necessarily white...but mine come close.

Looks similar to my White Cochin baby...she was black (silvery) with yellow...and of course had feathered feet.

I have a 43 acre farm that is just off route 90 thruway, only about 10 min. from the casino. I would love to have something like this at my house but I think the DW would KILL me.

shoot your not far are you coming??

Would love to, but my best friend is in the navy and is visiting before he goes to his next duty station. If plans change, I am thinking about it.
OK, if anyone attending this wonderful event and then coming back or even close to staten Island NY......that I can make contact with.....I need a pullet dUccle........either color(have one I hatched 2 month old porclain needing company)....and a golden sea bright pullet to have 1 for 1 I have as well. I adopted the Seabright last month from rescue, and she must have been a "house bird" she is attached to my hip and needy of another of her "kind". She refuses to co-habitate with the dUccle and the Sizzle I have after down sizing.

She is one cool bird let me tell ya. Perches like a parrot on my hand and talks to me.
ok mystery solved... it was a light brown egg once I dug it out of the trash

Its a Cochin chick!
Thanks Peeps Nite!!

Mags...Im in Phillie...not super close but closer than most and I have porcelains!
Mags, google how close Middletown, NJ is from you. I go right by you, but it will be quite late by the time I pass 440. I could bring down what you want and maybe meet up the next day? I'm only about 20 minutes south os the Driscoll bridge. I already have to plan a stop for mommahen if she wins eggs. Even if we left immediately at 4 - what are the chances? - and did not stop to eat or pee, we would get home at 10pm.
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Morning all! still very wet here:-( very meaties look like brown birds! Its gross. I put hay down to have dry stuff to walk and lay on but within hours with the rain-NASTY again--I cant wait until that is all over with them 23 birds to do-I wasnt going to do them all this weekend-but DH and I have had it they are just shy of 8 weeks and whatever size they are at we dont care-they have to go!!! ANYONE into helping me getting the whole job done????

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