UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

Anyone want some really cute silkies? The folks on the breed and gender forum think ALL of them are roos but one. Figures I kept all the roos!
I am keeping my showgirl even if he's a boy.

Sorry to hear about the poor little chickie. Was this one that made the long trip? That's one reason I didn't bring mine (the other wasthat the chickens everyone brought were SO adorable that mine would have had no chance!).. I think keeping it with a broody is nice for the poor chickie.
Guys it seems alot of our birds are coming down with Cocci-please ....we have talked about this a few times on here-please treat all your birds if you bought them at chickenstock-just in case-better safe than sorry as alot of people have lost some-corrid or sulmet Im posting this just in case someone had missed all the conversations about it earlier in the thread when alot of chicks were dying overnight...All I can say guys is that Im sorry whoever lost any-or losing any:-(
Wow, Don - I feel so bad. I would have done the same thing. It sucks when you have a bird and don't know what to do for it. You feel so helpless! Where's Dr. Doolittle when we need him? Good luck.

I wish you lived closer. This fav pair I got from Gretchen is still laying, but I don't hatch so they're being eaten. Maybe next spring.
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I lost my little polish this morning
I felt so bad about it ...I ordered Corid after the splash silkie died at Natalie's suggestion and it arrived today too late to help my polish . I treated everyone else and they all look good, heres hoping the Corid helps
Nat is 100% right.

There is something with this strain that is hitting very hard and fast also.

I treated in the water for 5 days, today is their first day back on straight water. Everything was going great, I had no sick ones, no dead ones, and none that even looked remotely sick. This afternoon I had a dead 4 week old in one of the brooders, this chick was not acting up and they get checked multiple times a day. Most days you can find my wife just sitting out in the shop watching all the babies. Pulled the dead one out and noticed another one that is somewhere between 4 to 6 weeks showing signs. There is the possibility that both of us missed the sick looking one, and that it wasn't drinking from the medicated water.

At any rate, with this strain, I highly suggest that you dose each bird individually. I am not familiar with Sulmet, so I will defer to someone else on the individual dosage. With Corrid 9.6%, which is what we use here, I give 2 drops for the day old to about 3 week olds and 3 drops from there older. They get it 3 times a day, from a dropper, right on the end of their beak. If they shake there head instead of swallowing, they get it again. The one I dosed this afternoon I gave 4 drops to, and will do that again tonight, tomorrow it will go back to 3 drops.
Nat is 100% right.

There is something with this strain that is hitting very hard and fast also.

I treated in the water for 5 days, today is their first day back on straight water. Everything was going great, I had no sick ones, no dead ones, and none that even looked remotely sick. This afternoon I had a dead 4 week old in one of the brooders, this chick was not acting up and they get checked multiple times a day. Most days you can find my wife just sitting out in the shop watching all the babies. Pulled the dead one out and noticed another one that is somewhere between 4 to 6 weeks showing signs. There is the possibility that both of us missed the sick looking one, and that it wasn't drinking from the medicated water.

At any rate, with this strain, I highly suggest that you dose each bird individually. I am not familiar with Sulmet, so I will defer to someone else on the individual dosage. With Corrid 9.6%, which is what we use here, I give 2 drops for the day old to about 3 week olds and 3 drops from there older. They get it 3 times a day, from a dropper, right on the end of their beak. If they shake there head instead of swallowing, they get it again. The one I dosed this afternoon I gave 4 drops to, and will do that again tonight, tomorrow it will go back to 3 drops.

over all of this!!!
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Nat is 100% right.

There is something with this strain that is hitting very hard and fast also.

I treated in the water for 5 days, today is their first day back on straight water. Everything was going great, I had no sick ones, no dead ones, and none that even looked remotely sick. This afternoon I had a dead 4 week old in one of the brooders, this chick was not acting up and they get checked multiple times a day. Most days you can find my wife just sitting out in the shop watching all the babies. Pulled the dead one out and noticed another one that is somewhere between 4 to 6 weeks showing signs. There is the possibility that both of us missed the sick looking one, and that it wasn't drinking from the medicated water.

At any rate, with this strain, I highly suggest that you dose each bird individually. I am not familiar with Sulmet, so I will defer to someone else on the individual dosage. With Corrid 9.6%, which is what we use here, I give 2 drops for the day old to about 3 week olds and 3 drops from there older. They get it 3 times a day, from a dropper, right on the end of their beak. If they shake there head instead of swallowing, they get it again. The one I dosed this afternoon I gave 4 drops to, and will do that again tonight, tomorrow it will go back to 3 drops.

over all of this!!!

This sucks! Sorry to hear all this!
I keep a drawer in the kitchen with my 'animal meds' and I have Corid on hand 'just in case' along with Tylan, ivermectin, etc - the corid worked wonders on my sick leghorn this year and that one bag has enough to dose a heck of a lot of chickens. I hope it helps these poor little chickies!
Congrats!! We did last week and now keeping fingers crossed the rest goes smoothly..............Murphy's law usually follows me around.

Yah that's so awesome Christine and Jeremy. I can't wait until I sign those same papers.

I just wanna know when the house warming parties are.

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