UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

:(So sorry...this past summer I lost a whole bunch of silkies....they just kept dropping off one at a time...I just couldn't believe it was happening...sorry hope things look up soon.
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ahh hunny
Im still nursing some of mine too-but hopefully they will just get better-they look good just making me nervous

Lynda-your Dh is so funny! I would not get any floods at my house to high up! hahaha
yes-but please make sure to tell them they have gold in thier hackles-They are deffinately split roos so they carry the lav gene 50%-but I dont want people thinking they are getting a "perfect" roo-all thought heir toes spacing is amazing!!! they want all 3:) ????
Good Morning All

Jeremy, Christine and I have been talking about all the lost babies from chickenstock. We have lost some as well, and it stinks...we know it is not possible to replace the emotional attachment we develop for our babies but have decided we would like to try to help replace the birds...we might not have or breed the exact bird you purchased but would like to at least offer what we do have...we currently have or will have in the next week or so the following:
white silkies
splash silkies
blue silkies
black silkies or black/split lav silkies
chocolate polish
blue polish (smooth and frizzle)
and hopefully buff laced polish within the next month as well as cuckoo polish

we are working out the details as to how to get these little guys up to NY. if somebody is not comfortable with chicks at this point let us know maybe we can get some eggs out to you. WE ARE ALL ONE BIG CHICKEN FAMILY!! you can ask any of our children and they will tell ya "family takes care of family"

Jeremy and Christine if I missed anything feel free to post it!!
Bob is totally right. We know how attached we all get to our babies and especially how attached the kids get to them.

Jeremy and I don't have nearly the birds or variety that Bob has, but we will try to help everyone out. We have a few Polish and silkies and tons of mille fleur d'Uccles. Please let us know if you would like anything.

Also, the only hatching eggs that Jeremy and I have are the d'Uccles. The rest of our birds aren't laying yet.
my whites are broody and on eggs...but should be back on a lay in about 3 weeks...but i have a bunch of white chicks and more hatches over next 2 weeks ..the rest of the list is laying

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