UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

snow!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry Nat!
I don't know much about dogs, but if this were a cat, that much pee = chronic renal failure. In cats, they pee a LOT and they do it even before the labs show increased creatinine/BUN/etc. . May be different for dogs, tho. Cats with CRF pee rivers all the time and are usually underweight. However, they generally don't have such a huge appetite (although mine did).
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The vet just called me back...he thinks it is in the best interest of the dog to have him PTS. He scheduled an appointment for tomorrow morning at 9:15. I can't stop crying.
why ???? they dont even know whats wrong with him? How could they suggest such a thing? thats a bunch of BS Id get another opinion-seriously so the dog pees alot and has urinary problems-maybe his previous owners ( Not you Bob) didnt train him well and your just now seeing the affects??? Do you allow him to drink in PM?? I dont allow my cocker to drink beyond 7pm ish-he will pee everywhere through the night....
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Muggs dont be scared to say something you got 3 birds from me-white orps and NN roo---I havent had any problems with any of my birds. The only issues I have had are with the new chicks I got and they have been on sulmet now and doing great. This is so disheartening--are my orps gurgly???
They were housed with my Olive eggers since they hatched and I have never had issues with them-the meaties I raised -now they are stupid as a box of rocks and never came out of rain and when they were about 3 weeks old they ( 2-3 had girgly noises-but cleared up within a week or so) that was it:-( I never even put them on meds because it wasnt an alarming gurgle almost like a sneeze backfiring once or twice?? If your birds are eating and drinking youve won half the battle---your glass is half way full:) Just stick to the meds-this weather is not helping anyone right now-we are getting dumped on with snow right now=---YES SNOW!!!!

Nat, all of your birds are doing well! It is currently my original flock that is showing these signs.

thank goodness!!!!
I'm confused. If they don't know what is wrong with him, why have him PTS?

Like Lovins said, we watched him from Saturday afternoon until you guys left with him on Sunday at Nat's and he didn't do any of the things that you are describing. Yeah, he was tagging the trees, but it was a normal quick squirt and done.

At any rate, if PTS is what needs to be done, I am so sorry for you and your kids.

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