UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

Ok, I'm not an expert on dogs by any means... but with those symptoms you are describing, it sounds like a human diabetic. Peeing, not gaining weight though eating a ton, and lazy. I'm sad for you if PTS is your only option, but is there another vet you can go to for a 2nd opinion?
why ???? they dont even know whats wrong with him? How could they suggest such a thing? thats a bunch of BS Id get another opinion-seriously so the dog pees alot and has urinary problems-maybe his previous owners ( Not you Bob) didnt train him well and your just now seeing the affects??? Do you allow him to drink in PM?? I dont allow my cocker to drink beyond 7pm ish-he will pee everywhere through the night....

Nat, it's not a matter of training...he pees all the time...outside and inside. It isn't a matter of drinking too much, or when he drinks. I flippin' wish it was! He can't stop peeing once he starts, and can't hold it for more than a 1/2 hour it seems. The vet won't put him on drugs for something that doesn't show up on the tests. We have sunk over $500 in vet bills in the last week and a half...not including the extras that we've spent on him...specialty food, crate, doggy bed, buscuits, collars, halti, leash, etc. I will likely have to replace my kitchen and mudroom subfloors. He isn't gaining weight, though he eats like a pig. The veterinarians here are the best in a 75 mile radius. I trust them implicitly. I've been using them for my dogs for 4 3 sets of puppies now. The vets wouldn't enter into this willy-nilly. I have been in contact with them before I even got Fausto, to give him a checkup and have him neutered (which they can't do till he puts on the weight).

There is something else I can do, and that would be to continue dealing with the pee nightmare. Either purchase doggie diapers or devote the next decade to following him around and cleaning up massive puddles of pee around the house, puddles that run into the walls and under the baseboards, and into all the furniture, and over our shoes, and boxes of apples, tennis bag w/ rackets and balls, our groceries, the area rugs, all over his doggie bed and blankets, on our laundry, seed potatoes and onions I set aside for planting next year, seeds saved from my flower and veggie gardens, pee splattered onto our open shelving that holds our cooking appliances (crockpots, roasting pan, electric skillet, mixers), bowls, cookware, pans, baking sheets, cupboards, under the washer and dryer, pee that has run under my refrigerator, ( exactly like I have been dealing with this last week and a half!). This is crazy! It isn't just a matter of picking up an "accident" here and there. IT IS CONSTANT! And EVERYWHERE! On EVERYTHING! It isn't "just a pee issue". It isn't when he drinks nor how much. There is something very serious underlying all of this. He is all bone. He eats 10 whopping cups of food a day! Plus 2 cans of wet food every day. Plus buscuits and fatty meats. He is not gaining weight. One pound in one week is a ridiculously miniscule amount to gain on a dog that needs a gain a good 40 plus pounds. I can't just put him outside because he has no meat on him and gets cold easily....shivers worse than me! Plus that is NO life for a dog.

They tested for UTI, they tested for diabetes, they tested for worms...they've tested all bodily fluids/excrement and it comes back negative/normal. Nothing shows up, nothing is wrong EXCEPT that this particular dog is showing incontinence. Why is he showing this behavior at my house, and not at Bob's? How the he** do I know? This is all I know of the dog. I have had all sorts of dogs my entire life...Doberman Pinschers, Labrador Retriever, Havanese, Bichon Frise, Yorkie mixes, Dachsund, Pug/Jack Russel mix...I know their behavior. I know how to train them. Fausto is an extremely sweet and loving dog. He's patient, and I've seen him frisky.

If anyone else wants to deal with this nightmare, I will gratefully hand him over to your care in hopes he makes a miraculous recovery/breakthrough. I will gladly hand over every bit of information our vet has given us. I will also give you the records prior to me having him...Bob sent them and I finally got them today. Again, if someone wants to step up to the plate and thinks Fausto has a better chance at life, call me ASAP. Please I implore you...prove my vet wrong! I will even meet you part way. This ordeal has made me physically and emotionally sick. My family is heartbroken. I never would have taken him if I didn't think I could have given him the best life possible.
Ok, I'm not an expert on dogs by any means... but with those symptoms you are describing, it sounds like a human diabetic. Peeing, not gaining weight though eating a ton, and lazy. I'm sad for you if PTS is your only option, but is there another vet you can go to for a 2nd opinion?

Exactly...I specifically asked them to check for it. He is not diabetic. I have been hitting my head against a wall trying to figure this out.

I want to add that I have a friend who's dog is diabetic...he peed frequently, but in small squirts.

Also, I have a nephew w/ type 1 diabetes, and this was the first thing I thought of. Both of my parents-in-law have type 2 diabetes. I really was hoping it would be something obvious and manageable. It is awful that they can't find a reason to this behavior. High pressure urination from a tall, relatively large dog goes everywhere. It isn't tolerable, and I'm not a saint. I can not deal with this on an hourly to half hourly basis anymore. And the fact that he does it in his makes NO sense.

It only adds to the guilt that people have said he had shown no signs before I got him. I can't make sense of it.
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Don't feel bad - I put to sleep an incontinent cat for similar reasons. And I DID use diapers and I had to keep her in a huge multilevel cage when we weren't home. It was a major pain in the butt for me AND for the cat. What kind of life is that for an animal? After YEARS of this, I made the decision to put her to sleep. It was hard, but it really was the right thing to do. Her FECAL and urinary incontinence was due to a hernia surgery gone wrong 10 years prior and the docs said there really was no fix.
He may have cancer, would explain the weight loss and possibly the incontinence and would not necessarily show up on standard blood work. Take a look at this website. It's pretty intense, but may answer some questions.

causes of polyuria...

Section: Causes

Polyuria and polydipsia are not specific for any one disease, but can be caused by several disorders including:

# Endocrine (hormonal) disorders

# Hyperadrenocorticism (overactivity of the adrenal glands)

# Diabetes mellitus

# Hypoadrenocorticism (underactivity of the adrenal glands)

# Kidney disorders

# Renal glucosuria (a defect of the kidney tubules leading to spillage of glucose in the urine)

# Kidney failure (more commonly acute, sometimes chronic)

# Pyelonephritis (infection of the kidneys)

# Increased production of urine after relief of urinary tract obstruction ("post-obstructive diuresis")

# Loss of normal salts and chemicals (urea) in the kidney that facilitate water reabsorption ("renal medullary washout")

# Impaired response of the kidney tubules to anti-diuretic hormone that normally promotes water reabsorption ("nephrogen
My heart hurts for your family. I've been there a number of times and hope you understand how much love & affection you have given him has made him very happy and thankful you were his friends..

Big hugs.....
why ???? they dont even know whats wrong with him? How could they suggest such a thing? thats a bunch of BS Id get another opinion-seriously so the dog pees alot and has urinary problems-maybe his previous owners ( Not you Bob) didnt train him well and your just now seeing the affects??? Do you allow him to drink in PM?? I dont allow my cocker to drink beyond 7pm ish-he will pee everywhere through the night....

Nat, it's not a matter of training...he pees all the time...outside and inside. It isn't a matter of drinking too much, or when he drinks. I flippin' wish it was! He can't stop peeing once he starts, and can't hold it for more than a 1/2 hour it seems. The vet won't put him on drugs for something that doesn't show up on the tests. We have sunk over $500 in vet bills in the last week and a half...not including the extras that we've spent on him...specialty food, crate, doggy bed, buscuits, collars, halti, leash, etc. I will likely have to replace my kitchen and mudroom subfloors. He isn't gaining weight, though he eats like a pig. The veterinarians here are the best in a 75 mile radius. I trust them implicitly. I've been using them for my dogs for 4 3 sets of puppies now. The vets wouldn't enter into this willy-nilly. I have been in contact with them before I even got Fausto, to give him a checkup and have him neutered (which they can't do till he puts on the weight).

There is something else I can do, and that would be to continue dealing with the pee nightmare. Either purchase doggie diapers or devote the next decade to following him around and cleaning up massive puddles of pee around the house, puddles that run into the walls and under the baseboards, and into all the furniture, and over our shoes, and boxes of apples, tennis bag w/ rackets and balls, our groceries, the area rugs, all over his doggie bed and blankets, on our laundry, seed potatoes and onions I set aside for planting next year, seeds saved from my flower and veggie gardens, pee splattered onto our open shelving that holds our cooking appliances (crockpots, roasting pan, electric skillet, mixers), bowls, cookware, pans, baking sheets, cupboards, under the washer and dryer, pee that has run under my refrigerator, ( exactly like I have been dealing with this last week and a half!). This is crazy! It isn't just a matter of picking up an "accident" here and there. IT IS CONSTANT! And EVERYWHERE! On EVERYTHING! It isn't "just a pee issue". It isn't when he drinks nor how much. There is something very serious underlying all of this. He is all bone. He eats 10 whopping cups of food a day! Plus 2 cans of wet food every day. Plus buscuits and fatty meats. He is not gaining weight. One pound in one week is a ridiculously miniscule amount to gain on a dog that needs a gain a good 40 plus pounds. I can't just put him outside because he has no meat on him and gets cold easily....shivers worse than me! Plus that is NO life for a dog.

They tested for UTI, they tested for diabetes, they tested for worms...they've tested all bodily fluids/excrement and it comes back negative/normal. Nothing shows up, nothing is wrong EXCEPT that this particular dog is showing incontinence. Why is he showing this behavior at my house, and not at Bob's? How the he** do I know? This is all I know of the dog. I have had all sorts of dogs my entire life...Doberman Pinschers, Labrador Retriever, Havanese, Bichon Frise, Yorkie mixes, Dachsund, Pug/Jack Russel mix...I know their behavior. I know how to train them. Fausto is an extremely sweet and loving dog. He's patient, and I've seen him frisky.

If anyone else wants to deal with this nightmare, I will gratefully hand him over to your care in hopes he makes a miraculous recovery/breakthrough. I will gladly hand over every bit of information our vet has given us. I will also give you the records prior to me having him...Bob sent them and I finally got them today. Again, if someone wants to step up to the plate and thinks Fausto has a better chance at life, call me ASAP. Please I implore you...prove my vet wrong! I will even meet you part way. This ordeal has made me physically and emotionally sick. My family is heartbroken. I never would have taken him if I didn't think I could have given him the best life possible.

ahh Meg I wasnt being mean-
Im so sorry your dealing with this:-( I was upset "with" you-this situation also reminds of my cat who was skin and bones and ate like a pig-she never grew and lacked the proteins that helped digest proteins-she passed at 10 mnths old depsite everything we tried-I hope someone can help you resolve this issue asap!!! I would so take him but with our 4 indoor animals Id be killed by all-Im so sorry
Ok, I'm not an expert on dogs by any means... but with those symptoms you are describing, it sounds like a human diabetic. Peeing, not gaining weight though eating a ton, and lazy. I'm sad for you if PTS is your only option, but is there another vet you can go to for a 2nd opinion?

Exactly...I specifically asked them to check for it. He is not diabetic. I have been hitting my head against a wall trying to figure this out.

I want to add that I have a friend who's dog is diabetic...he peed frequently, but in small squirts.

Also, I have a nephew w/ type 1 diabetes, and this was the first thing I thought of. Both of my parents-in-law have type 2 diabetes. I really was hoping it would be something obvious and manageable. It is awful that they can't find a reason to this behavior. High pressure urination from a tall, relatively large dog goes everywhere. It isn't tolerable, and I'm not a saint. I can not deal with this on an hourly to half hourly basis anymore. And the fact that he does it in his makes NO sense.

It only adds to the guilt that people have said he had shown no signs before I got him. I can't make sense of it.

I just dont know because maybe its the other dogs??? its a territorial thing and just does it not to be mean just to be dominant? Im grasping at straws here
How much does he drink??? Does the vet say to severely restrict the water to just his needed amount??? IDK
I just cant see PTS he was soo good while he was here and he was soooo spoiled too-someone was always playing with him -I just did not see him peeing everywhere-of course I wasnt watching for it either:-( -and yes he took a poop the size of a horse! haha

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