UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching


I am so glad I didnt end up with yet another breed. Don't need them. I have to focus on what I have. So for me? Need more SLB's
work on my BLRW's, polish and OE's. I do want to start a small flock of silkies, and some Lav bantam ameraucanas.

What color polish do ya have lovins?

I DID say silkies... forgive me PC I have gone over to the dark side. I want to focus on Lavs and Splits and Blacks. As for polish I have LF WCB's and a bantam cuckoo. I want more though... many many more...
got dumped on last friday 3 inches in a few hours--haha yup supposed to snow again-it was earlier again but only for a short time:)
Just put my Natalie eggs in lockdown!
No NN's!
Have to clean out the FUZZBUTT AQUARIUM tomorrow!
got dumped on last friday 3 inches in a few hours--haha yup supposed to snow again-it was earlier again but only for a short time:)

Like I told you last week... Keep that crap up there!!!!!! I DO NOT want or need it down here yet!
This better not stop you from coming to the show, Lynda!

No hatching until Sunday, I'll be there Mary!!!!
got dumped on last friday 3 inches in a few hours--haha yup supposed to snow again-it was earlier again but only for a short time:)

Like I told you last week... Keep that crap up there!!!!!! I DO NOT want or need it down here yet!

I know I know.. it rots ill try and keep it here as much as possible...So sat is my anniversary oh I mean "our" anniversary and I thought it would be your typical "what do you want to do? IDK what do you want to do? type deal but markie surprised me and decided to make a day out of Plattsburg-not for you folks that have no idea what Im talking about-you saw my wee tiny town Pburg has everything adn its 45 minutes away-Im hitting up tractor supply and getting couple 100 lbs of feed-canning jars-bday presents for the girls and a carmel apple at the best stinking orchard around yummy-and maybe Ill get a good dinner out of it:)
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yah baby!!!!! this hatch is going to be awesome and I hope you dont get and NN babies

They look great Nat! Only one was iffy, not as full looking as the others but I left it in! I can't wait to see the colors!

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