UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

16!!!! what are you guys trying to do to me! Oh Lord Im dead-you wait sister you waaiiiitttt!

Hey now! HE was the one that packed 16 eggs in there, NOT me!!! I just took it to the post office! Don't shoot the messenger!!!!!!!

I have a chick!! Actually two - but one I could not get a good picture of through the bator. It's so tiny! One of gretchen's favorelle eggs hatched and a mutt egg. Not sure what the mutt egg will be - seems a little patridgy in color but still wet.

I watched goonies last night also!!!! I still love that movie.

I can see this crew being a good group of goonies when we were kids. Heck, we may be goonies now.

yeah, old wrinkled goonies
Hope you bring 3 John Blehm pullets to Lovinsstock (wow, that sounds a bit off, doesn't it?) and I will relieve you of them and run away with them to Southern climes. I would LOVE a lavender, if you could part with one.

I had a deal with somebody and bought 2 doz lavender Ameraucanas for someone to hatch in exchange for one - and never did get that one pullet.
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Hope you bring 3 John Blehm pullets to Lovinsstock (wow, that sounds a bit off, doesn't it?) and I will relieve you of them and run away with them to Southern climes. I would LOVE a lavender, if you could part with one.

I had a deal with somebody and bought 2 doz lavender Ameraucanas for someone to hatch in exchange for one - and never did get that one pullet.

I am getting an order from him in the spring so I might have extras.
Hope you bring 3 John Blehm pullets to Lovinsstock (wow, that sounds a bit off, doesn't it?) and I will relieve you of them and run away with them to Southern climes. I would LOVE a lavender, if you could part with one.

I had a deal with somebody and bought 2 doz lavender Ameraucanas for someone to hatch in exchange for one - and never did get that one pullet.

I am getting an order from him in the spring so I might have extras.

Oh my they are good looking aren't they?
i think i gotta go to some kind of chicken Anonymous program!!! built a big heated brooder for the babies today...has a little thermostat controlled space heater and heat lamp...and i ended up putting more into the bator

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