UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

*snicker* ain't that the truth
NO milk duds, I have too many crowns!!! I'll take snickers. And candy corn. Annnnnnd almond joy.
We never get trick or treaters here but I always carve a pumpkin and get a bit of candy just in case..

Anyone want any teenage guineas? You have to help catch them. They are driving me BANANAS this morning... !!!
Omg Nat that little silkie hen I got from you is hysterical. I have her out in the coop with some of my more tender birds with the heat lamp on. I went out and threw in some pumpkin guts. She muscled her way through the big birds, grabbed the entire clump and ran for her life around the coop and hoarded them in the corner.

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