Upstate NY..just introducing my newbie self..


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 4, 2009
Hi folks:

I'm surely a newbie to raising chickens in NY. I was raised on a farm in Louisiana and we had lots of the fuzzie butts. But, since I moved here 10 years ago I haven't had the accomodations for them. NOW I do. I am soooo excited. I can't wait to get some little babies. I am just trying to make the right decisions and get their home ready. Thanks for reading!
from Ocala, FL.
Hi to everyone. I have family in Oklahoma..where abouts are you.. they are just north of Tulsa.
Yes, about 45 minutes away, in Pawhuska. It is so nice there. I hear it is already very hot!! It just got in the 60's here.
Hi from S. Florida...I think you may be more of an animal lover than I am!! I have had some pets ( I had a pet neutra rat when I was a kid but I never tried the possum route). Altough my uncle did an I held a couple. OMG they are the cutest!

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