urgent. 3 weeks old chick not standing


7 Years
Aug 26, 2012
Since 3 days she is not standing. Her feet are weak and trembling. Can I give her people B complex vitamin and if yes how much. I put some salt and sugar on her water. Thanks in advance
No it is not spraddle leg.
This chick was active and running with her 5 other siblings.
Then 3 days ago she couldnt walk anymore.
I have read any single thread about such a problem on other threads here in the forum.
I still am a little scared she might have Mareks but I read she is too young to show Marek`s symptoms.
I gave her some people B complex vitamin dissolved in water with a syringe.
I couldnt find B vitamin for chickens around where I live.
Can I give her some more people B vitamin???????

The chick responded very well to B complex vitamin and is 100% back.
Today though, I put the chicks in the sun for some d vitamin and bathing.
They were all 6 doing fine, including the one that had problems before.
When the sun started to get hot (it was 75 outside) I thought to put them in shade because they are in a huge transparent tote with a wire on top.
Another chick was on the floor. Its neck looked broken. Legs trembling. Eyes closed.
I took him inside immediately, massaged very gently the neck that was like out of place. He was alive so I dozed him with b complex vitamin with a syringe.
I went to the feed store to ask for advice.
They told me from the symptoms is Mareks and nothing can be done.
I came home with a new bag of starter feed fearing the chick will be dead.
He was alive. The neck seems better and he can hold it now.
He ate from my hand and started chirping a little later.
After some more b vitamin and food he looks almost like before all that happened.....
What is up with these chicks?????
Can Mareks be like this?????

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