URGENT! Chicken can't walk, lost use of leg and foot is paralysed, please help...


6 Years
Jan 1, 2017
She was limping on Thursday so I took her to the vet. She was examined, had an x-ray, no broken bones and suspected muscle injury so painkillers were prescribed. On Friday, she was outdoors free ranging when a fox came into the garden suddenly. We scared the fox away but she had ran on the bad leg with the limp to the point were it gave out and she collapsed with her wings stretched out. Since then, she has been unable to use the leg and she has lifted it into her wing, her foot is curled up and doesn't react to touch - like it's paralysed. She eats some of the food we offer her (layers, mash, egg, mealworms, fruit) but her appetite is not good so she's lost weight and I can feel her breast bone. The main concern is the leg, she's taking the painkillers but nothing is changing. Her paralysed foot is also hot to touch but doesn't appear swollen. I suspect she has torn a muscle or something serious has happened.

If anyone else has had this happen to a chicken, please reach out because I'm desperate to help her. Her good leg is weakening each day and now she just sits around instead of trying to stand and hop. I was thinking of making a splint for the paralysed foot or a chicken swing but not sure if it will help her considering she is holding the entire leg in stiffly and just leaning on it. I can't get to the vet until next Tuesday. Here's a photo of what her paralysed foot and bad leg currently look like:

WhatsApp Image 2023-04-30 at 17.53.50.jpg
Did the vet mention Marek's disease at all?

It's not Marek's, bumblefoot or any other virus the vet ruled out. She said it was most likely a soft tissue injury and now after the fox attack she's completely unable to use that one leg. She's alert, lays eggs, attempts to get up but can't anymore so other than the leg she was very healthy.
She was limping on Thursday so I took her to the vet. She was examined, had an x-ray, no broken bones and suspected muscle injury so painkillers were prescribed. On Friday, she was outdoors free ranging when a fox came into the garden suddenly. We scared the fox away but she had ran on the bad leg with the limp to the point were it gave out and she collapsed with her wings stretched out. Since then, she has been unable to use the leg and she has lifted it into her wing, her foot is curled up and doesn't react to touch - like it's paralysed. She eats some of the food we offer her (layers, mash, egg, mealworms, fruit) but her appetite is not good so she's lost weight and I can feel her breast bone. The main concern is the leg, she's taking the painkillers but nothing is changing. Her paralysed foot is also hot to touch but doesn't appear swollen. I suspect she has torn a muscle or something serious has happened.

If anyone else has had this happen to a chicken, please reach out because I'm desperate to help her. Her good leg is weakening each day and now she just sits around instead of trying to stand and hop. I was thinking of making a splint for the paralysed foot or a chicken swing but not sure if it will help her considering she is holding the entire leg in stiffly and just leaning on it. I can't get to the vet until next Tuesday. Here's a photo of what her paralysed foot and bad leg currently look like:

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Maybe your chicken had this vit. E and B6 deficiency prior to fox episode...see attached video. My 2 chickens did...took a month or more with supplemented vitamins but they have been normal now for many months...
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If she has a soft tissue injury, you need to make her a sling or chicken chair asap. A soft tissue injury will take about as long to heal as a broken bone would, and same as with a broken bone, she is causing more damage by trying to bear her weight on the injured leg.
Here is a thread with many ideas for slings and chairs. Some are for chicks, but looking through the thread should give you some ideas.
If she has a soft tissue injury, you need to make her a sling or chicken chair asap. A soft tissue injury will take about as long to heal as a broken bone would, and same as with a broken bone, she is causing more damage by trying to bear her weight on the injured leg.
Here is a thread with many ideas for slings and chairs. Some are for chicks, but looking through the thread should give you some ideas.
I will make one ASAP, just a few questions. Her bad leg she's tucked up and it's really stiff, I don't know if I can pull it down to fit into a chicken chair kind of contraption, what do you think?

Also would she need to stay in a chicken chair overnight and 24/7 or would we be able to take her out. Currently we take her into the garden during the day and she sits down in the grass (it's really long right now we haven't mowed it so it cushions well). She seems to enjoy the sunshine and still feeling a part of the flock.
Maybe your chicken had this vit. E and B6 deficiency prior to fox episode...see attached video. My 2 chickens did...took a month or more with supplemented vitamins but they have been normal now for many months...
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Thank you for this information, I will look for the products in the video and I have nutritional yeast I use myself that I can use. I do think there's been damage done to the sciatic nerve and a serious muscle injury :(
I will make one ASAP, just a few questions. Her bad leg she's tucked up and it's really stiff, I don't know if I can pull it down to fit into a chicken chair kind of contraption, what do you think?

Also would she need to stay in a chicken chair overnight and 24/7 or would we be able to take her out. Currently we take her into the garden during the day and she sits down in the grass (it's really long right now we haven't mowed it so it cushions well). She seems to enjoy the sunshine and still feeling a part of the flock.
She doesn't need to stay in it 24/7, but she does need to be prevented from trying to bear weight on the injured leg. Usually chickens are content to be in an upright position and don't struggle to get out of a sling or chair, but occasionally they are intent to escape. Check back if she doesn't want to stay in her new sling/chair. Fresh air, sunshine and the company of her flock are all good for her spirits; you can take her outside in her sling/chair.

Also, as @Hahamilton mentioned, vitamins E and B help repair nerve connections. I would start her on both vitamins asap too, and continue for several weeks. Vitamin E 400iu 2 x day or 1000iu once daily. B complex 1000mg, half tablet 2x daily.
Unless your vet prescribes otherwise, of course. I'm glad she has another vet appointment Tuesday, many don't have a vet that will treat chickens. Keep us updated.
It's not Marek's, bumblefoot or any other virus the vet ruled out. She said it was most likely a soft tissue injury and now after the fox attack she's completely unable to use that one leg. She's alert, lays eggs, attempts to get up but can't anymore so other than the leg she was very healthy.
The fox attacked her?
The fox attacked her?
No the fox jumped over the wall and started pursuing my other hen who is the youngest and fastest at running. She got away to the house although some of her tail feathers were plucked out. We ran out as soon as we saw the fox in the backyard to scare it away. My hen with this limp was spooked anyway when she saw the fox running away and started running for her life towards us, then eventually falling as her leg just gave out.

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