*URGENT* Duckling in Poor Condition


In the Brooder
Aug 23, 2022
Good afternoon, I have 4 ducklings about 11 days old and 3 of them are doing just fine, however I have grown concerned about the other regarding it’s size, neck, and other issues. To preface, the duckling was in need of an assisted hatch after taking almost 3-4 days after pipping to unzip where it still needed help. When it was pulled it had its umbilical chord attached, but only to its stomach not the egg so I left it alone. He has always been smaller than the others, but i haven’t been concerned up until now. In this thread I will reply with pictures and descriptions of each of my concerns for organizations sake. Thanks!!
Firstly, he is significantly smaller than the rest, here is a photo of him compared to one of my others. They all eat the same feed and they seem to get along great, so I don’t think he is being denied food. I feed them all with a generic poultry feed by Purina just in case that might have any relevance.


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Additionally, the duckling has a concerning “kink” in his neck. When he first hatched, he had trouble lifting his head, but it seems to have evolved into an even worse condition. How should I combat this??


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Next, a couple days ago i posted about this same duck having an irritated eye, but the issue seemed to have resolved itself, but today I noticed it has returned and was worse than before. Here are some pictures of his eyes. (Left eye seems to be Ok, the right one is the problem one.)


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Lastly, at about 9-10 days a few of my ducks began to bald just a tiny bit and i wasn’t concerned about the little one not having done so because i know that these stages of growth may vary in any individual duck, but it is interesting how despite being the first to hatch he has yet to bald, meanwhile all of the others have. Here are some photos of the “balding” that i am referring to on the other ducks that is absent on the runt.


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I have been hatching a breed known for its hatch issues so much so that hatcheries tried and stopped attempting to incubate them so I have dealt with many assisted hatches. Every single one either immediately or within days of hatching displayed a vitamin deficiency. Every single one also grew at a slower pace and feathered in slower compared to the others. Once they reached maturity you would never know. I dose them daily for 1 week with Poultry Cell and then once a week for the next 2-3 months after that to assist with growing. You may have to dose with more vitamin E for the wry neck. Poultry Cell has both vitamin e and selenium so I have also used it to treat wry neck, but if the deficiency is severe enough sometimes they need more vitamin E. As for the eye do they have water deep enough to fully dunk their head in?
I have been hatching a breed known for its hatch issues so much so that hatcheries tried and stopped attempting to incubate them so I have dealt with many assisted hatches. Every single one either immediately or within days of hatching displayed a vitamin deficiency. Every single one also grew at a slower pace and feathered in slower compared to the others. Once they reached maturity you would never know. I dose them daily for 1 week with Poultry Cell and then once a week for the next 2-3 months after that to assist with growing. You may have to dose with more vitamin E for the wry neck. Poultry Cell has both vitamin e and selenium so I have also used it to treat wry neck, but if the deficiency is severe enough sometimes they need more vitamin E. As for the eye do they have water deep enough to fully dunk their head in?
I have been hatching a breed known for its hatch issues so much so that hatcheries tried and stopped attempting to incubate them so I have dealt with many assisted hatches. Every single one either immediately or within days of hatching displayed a vitamin deficiency. Every single one also grew at a slower pace and feathered in slower compared to the others. Once they reached maturity you would never know. I dose them daily for 1 week with Poultry Cell and then once a week for the next 2-3 months after that to assist with growing. You may have to dose with more vitamin E for the wry neck. Poultry Cell has both vitamin e and selenium so I have also used it to treat wry neck, but if the deficiency is severe enough sometimes they need more vitamin E. As for the eye do they have water deep enough to fully dunk their head in?
No, I didn’t consider the depth of the dish when purchasing it, so that is on me I suppose. But the others haven’t contracted the issue, so can I be sure that it is the dish? This is what I found for Poultry Cell, I am assuming it’s the right one, but what does the vitamine E look like?? I have found many different things as depicted by the photo.


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I have poultry cell coming in the mail that is the one you want . Vit E is human form prick the soft capsule and either put it on the feed just for this duckling or put tiny drip right inside it’s bill let it swallow each time. 400 iu. I’m thinking the poultry cell would do more good if given by mouth also putting in their water will dilute it. They do need a bowl deep enough to dunk their heads in. Something similar to these so they can dunk but not climb inside. Anytime liquid is given by mouth it has to be done drip by drip to keep them from aspirating on it.
I have poultry cell coming in the mail that is the one you want . Vit E is human form prick the soft capsule and either put it on the feed just for this duckling or put tiny drip right inside it’s bill let it swallow each time. 400 iu. I’m thinking the poultry cell would do more good if given by mouth also putting in their water will dilute it. They do need a bowl deep enough to dunk their heads in. Something similar to these so they can dunk but not climb inside. Anytime liquid is given by mouth it has to be done drip by drip to keep them from aspirating on it. View attachment 3425885
Quick question, regarding water for both drinking and cleaning do you recommend one of these designs over the other, or do they both have their own purpose??

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