URGENT found snake eating chicken


12 Years
Feb 19, 2009
Just fed chickens everyone fine.... returned to coop to find one dead pullet (about 12 weeks old) and another the snake was coiled around.... dead. this happened in just minutes....(killed snake) Cant find what to do on the preditors page.

Sure it was a snake, I found it nearly eating a pullet.

Do moth balls help? URGENT help

My granduncle used to have a collie that killed snakes. She shook them to pieces and then threw up. Who wouldn't?
mothballs are supposed to help with snakes..BUT..they will also kill your birds if they eat them....
Does anyone put out mothballs in the spring safe away from the chickens on the outside of the coop? What does anyone use to stop snakes?

Wow that must have been a very hungry snake - a 12 week old pullet is not that small.

I am very sorry to hear this ... hope you find a good solution for snakes and share it with us all.
where do you live? it helps to know what kinda, snake i have a reptile field guide il look up what kind if you describe it for me, sorry about your birds too
Just read on the internet... Most websites say that mothballs may deter but will not prevent snakes. Some sites say nothing will. who has experience that can share? We live near a creek.. Lots of chickens in an coop and run with heat lamps on all ages 8 to 12 weeks.

Will the snakes keep killing chicks? Does anyone have a way to stop snakes. They just killed 2 in broad daylight!

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