URGENT found snake eating chicken

Ok Guineas it is then... this seems like the fastest and best solution over all. IMPORTANT ANYONE... So the guineas eat same food?as hens pellets/corn/scratch and or fresh greens?

someone please advise thanks

I've got guineas and I still have snakes. I'd rather have the snakes tho than the rats and mice that often move in if you get rid of the snakes. I have 2 large black rat snakes that live under one of my coops and they don't bother the eggs or chickens.
You must be located somewhere warm to have snakes this time of year plus it must be a big snake. I think the only thing that can be done to deter snakes is hardware cloth or something small enough to keep the bigger snakes out. If your chickens are anything like mine they'll kill and eat small snakes. Mine will eat a snake up to 16 inches long if it's not too fat and still may kill it and pick it to pieces. They just think it's an extra big worm.
For those of you with snakes in/around your coops do you ever get startled by them. I am ok with them after I get over the run and scream instinct.

So far no snakes here, or rats thankfully.
The only thing I've ever heard of is golf balls placed outside the fence (yard) and rattlers will eat them, thinking they are eggs. And eventually die because they cant pass the golfball. Could be a wives 'tale. LOL I've never done it, but my family did when I was growing up.
very odd set of circumstances you related.

not sure i ever saw you answer what kind of snake you killed (pictures?) or where you are.

guineas will likely not be able to deter a snake big enough to kill and try to eat a 12 wk pullet.

need more info! we have a 5 ft rat snake here and i wouldn't trade her presence for anything--they are allies on a farm as long as WE take the proper steps to be responsiblele for predator-proofing our chickens.
We've thrown THOUSANDS of snakes into the barn for decades ... never lost a chicken or an egg

I guess we're lucky
Snakes aren't all that bad, I'm sure the ones that eat birds are a rarity, but more likely than not, most birds will kill snakes, especially a flock o' birds LOL
I read on here that if you twist the plastic netting you can buy into an irregular roll and pin it around the coop it will catch the snakes in the netting. Some people use it around bird house poles too. They had photos of the snakes they caught. I have not used it so I can not testify for sure that it works but I am tempted to do so. Gloria Jean PS go way back a year or two into the forum and see if you can find the thread.
Plastic netting definitely will catch snakes. Its up to you whether you want to turn them loose or kill them.

I found 2 rats in my scratch feed barrel yesterday morning. Im thinking I dont have any snakes....hmm....rats or snakes, rats or snakes......as much as I hate to admit it, I think Id rather have the snake. Hope one takes up residence again, I hates meeses to pieces.
I don't know if it was mentioned or not, I didn't read all the posts, but I read that you can put out golf balls and the snakes will eat them and the ball gets stuck and the snake can not regurgate it and with die.

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