URGENT: gangrene? *GRAPHIC*

Must be a glitch on the site. Even the articles posted on the main page are missing photos. Which is all fine and dandy for now as long as they eventually come back.
Update: Last night we found that the hen had laid an egg. It was smaller than normal and had no shell - although it did have a strange gritty coating on it, as if the shell hadn't been put on correctly. Strange. Maybe her body was so upset that it didn't make the egg correctly? Or a coincidence?

I think we're going to have to actually remove his spurs. At least this rooster is friendly or I'd be scared.
It's a good sign that she's laying, even if the shell was defective (enola is right - stress will easily cause deformed or missing egg shells). It shows that she is on the path to recovery - a sick chicken will not waste energy in producing eggs.

Here's hoping that she continues to recover - keep us updated.
My mom says that the "pocket" is probably exposed muscle. We had some Silkies live through a dog attack once and my mom says this is similar to how they looked. She's eaten some bread soaked in Duramycin-10 solution. Very eager to eat.
Did you delete your pictures? -Kathy
No, didn't delete my images.

That's what we figured about the egg.

The rooster's spurs are scary anyway. Super thick and sharp.

She's spent the day in our bathroom. Calm, alert; eating, drinking, and eliminating well. Still not moving around much. All the skin and more that was gray before has turned a bright jade-green color. Hope this is a good sign. :confused:
Its kind of like a bruise on your body--they can go from red to blue to green to yellow as they heal. Sounds like she is getting better which is good to hear.

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