URGENT!!(update page 2)


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
I have one chick that hatched a few hours ago, in the hatcher. there are 5 more eggs in there that have not hatched, or even pipped. This chick is early. The others aren't even due till tomorrow or Tuesday. I have the hen outside with 2 other chicks, but they hatched yesterday, and I was not sure if I could put the new one in with her yet. The hatcher is a box with a light, that keeps temps pretty good, just have to watch it. The poor chick is in the corner, as far away from the light as it can get. Should I leave it in there, or take it to the hen? Or do I need something for it to hide behind, to cool off? It acts like it is pretty hot.
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If it were me, and the chick was dry and no other eggs were pipping, I would take the chick and put her under the hen while she's sleeping. I've done that several times, and the momma took the new babies without any problems.

Congratulations, and I hope more hatch!
I am still perplexed as to how you have hatches so early. I know someone said that some breeds hatch at day 19, but isn't this almost a regular thing? I thought I remembered you saying its happened before.

And if the chick is dry, I'd take him out. That light bulb may be too hot for them which is why he is trying to get as far away from it as possible. What wattage is it?
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It is only a 40 watt, and it is on a dimmer. I have other eggs in there, so I am trying to keep the overall temp near 100.

I have hatched chicks in my incubator twice, the first started pipping at day 18, with 5 pips, all the chicks were hatched by the end of day 19, except for one. The second set, I also had a hen setting, due the same day, and the eggs in the bator, as well as the hen's eggs, were all hatched by day 20. I even had one that was hatched completely by the end of day 18. These eggs have been set by a hen the whole time. I did add a few (like 4 or 5) eggs to her nest, cause she only had 2 eggs, that were from the incubator, but they had only been in the bator for 1 day. I have 5 hens that have chicks, and out of all those, only one of them had her eggs hatch on time, and she was setting on a mix of RIR, SLW, and leghorns that my dad had gathered from his hen house.

I was just concerned that the hen would not take the chick. We had a hen hatch the other day, and she left the nest with eggs still in it. We brought the eggs in, and 2 were pipped. One of the chicks took a while to hatch, and was only about 6 hours old when we gave it to the hen. We ended up having to bring it back in the next day, because it was just laying on the ground, and the hen would not let it near the others. After a day to get it's footing, we took it back out last night, and there have been no problems with it since.

But you are right, poulets, that it is the norm here that my eggs hatch early. I only have one roo right now that is old enough to do the job, and I wonder if it is something to do with his genes. Everyone of his chicks has hatched early, except a very small few.
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With the early hatch being common, I'd check my thermostats and temps again on a dry run for a few days. Dont put any eggs in the incubator, keep it running, and check temps as often as possible.

One or two eggs hatching early every now and then is one thing, but multiple hatches seems like something could be running a little too hot somewhere. Either the bator or the hatcher.
Is the light bulb in the middle of the box? If so, I think I'd move it to one side so the chick can choose a spot that is comfortable. A small stuffed animal to cuddle might be a good idea.

When I had my flock, I got them all as day-old chicks. I don't have any experience with slipping chicks under a hen. It does seem to me, though, that it might be better to keep the baby separated for at least a half day or more, just to give it time to get used to being out of the shell. That way, maybe the the hen wouldn't be as likely to notice the difference between the new one and the older chicks. Let me know what you think.
I would put the baby with the mama hen !!!!!! You can do this in till theY are about 3 days old.... ive done it with older chicks and it still worked for me !!!!

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