

Mar 21, 2019
Gresham, Wisconsin
My hens got into some Styrofoam and now they all look like they have sour crop. Any help would be appreciated it just happen now And I’m not sure what to do.. The hands are one year old this month they range from Rhode Island Reds, Easter Eggers, Leghorns, Plymouth rock.
Was finally able to get a picture of one of the hands but there are crops I’ll look this way. I couldn’t get a straight down picture but the crop is
actually lopsided.
I would say wait, see if it passes. Since it just happened now it is unlikely that the yeast that causes sour crop has already grown. What are their breaths like? Just because their crop is large does not mean it is sour. Check tomorrow morning before they have eaten and see if it has emptied.
No they’re not having a problem breathing or anything. And I know that it’s not soured yet because I just caught them. But I wasn’t sure since it’s Styrofoam if there is something I should do. Do I let them eat? As soon as they ran into the henhouse they went straight to the feeder. Also should I let them drink anything? I’m not sure if it would expand in their intestines or anything like that. Never had this happen before.
Was finally able to get a picture of one of the hands but there are crops I’ll look this way. I couldn’t get a straight down picture but the crop isView attachment 2060252 actually lopsided.
Her crop appears lopsided because it is actually (for the most part) located on the right side of the bird, not the center. So that's normal. You're just noticing it more because it is very full.
My hens got into some Styrofoam and now they all look like they have sour crop. Any help would be appreciated it just happen now And I’m not sure what to do.. The hands are one year old this month they range from Rhode Island Reds, Easter Eggers, Leghorns, Plymouth rock.
How are they today? Are their crops back to normal size?
How are they today? Are their crops back to normal size?
My gals are much better. We found their stash of styrofoam and got rid of it. Their crops are almost back to normal still just a little puffy. But I’ve been checking their feces and finding the styrofoam bits in it. So at least it’s being expelled. Thank you for checking in on them. 😊
My gals are much better. We found their stash of styrofoam and got rid of it. Their crops are almost back to normal still just a little puffy. But I’ve been checking their feces and finding the styrofoam bits in it. So at least it’s being expelled. Thank you for checking in on them. 😊
Good! Are their crops 'a bit puffy' in the morning before they've eaten or after they've eaten?
To be honest, I really hadn’t noticed. They’re so amped up to get out to the run when I let them out in the morning. Also, I free feed them. I only know that their crops are slightly larger than before. But I have noticed that each day it’s gotten more like normal. 6 of the 13 are completely back to normal. I figured that by morning they all will be.

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