URI in my silkie


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2022
I have a silkie (guessing she is about 4 lbs) who I’m pretty confident she has a respiratory infection. I have both la-200 and Tylan. Which one is better to give (I am unsure if this is bacterial or viral). Can I give them orally? What is the dosing for both orally and IM? Thanks
You have another thread that mentions crusty eyes.

Please, post photos of the eyes and the hen. Thank you!

Tylosin/Tylan is commonly used to treat respiratory infection like Mycoplasma.

Tylan dosing has a range of 10-40mg/kg. You have Tylan200 so midrange dosing of 25mg/kg for a 4lb hen would be 0.22ml given orally 3 times a day for 5 days in a row.

Clean and flush eyes that are crusty with saline, remove any pus (press it out if necessary), then put an ointment like Terramycin eye ointment into the eye a couple of times a day.

Dosing for LA-200 (Oxytretracycline) is in the link below, it does need to be given by injection. https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/miracle-la-200-dosage-and-vetrx-for-crd-treatment.631458/

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