Using a radio to deter foxes.


Aug 18, 2018
Northern Ireland
I just read about some farmers here using a radio out near the coop left on a talk station to deter foxes.

As I'm UK foxes are our main concern predator wise. Obviously we have fencing and don't intend to use a radio as a first line of defence, but if i was confident it would provide extra security I'd go for it.

Has anyone any experience?
I put those beside my security camera and I was surprised to see NEW foxes running away when it is triggered, a fox that was visiting before the lights looked at them and kept going.,aps,175&sr=8-18

Ah i was just about to ask about security lights too. I might give them a go as it'll be nice to have some light out there in the winter months anyway and at the moment I use a torch.
Ah i was just about to ask about security lights too. I might give them a go as it'll be nice to have some light out there in the winter months anyway and at the moment I use a torch.
I think they have to be at the fox height for foxes to get scared of them.

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