Using Milk Crates for nest boxes


In the Brooder
May 21, 2015
I was given 4 milk crates to use as nest boxes. I have seen many different ways to set them up on here but was wondering what the consensus here was....

Mount them on the side and put a lip on the front to keep the material inside OR

Mount them with opening up and then cut a "notch" in the side so that they can climb in and use it.

Mounting them with the opening up would seem to give more "floor" area for the chix to lay on but maybe thats just an illusion when looking at them?

Any and all suggestions appreciated! Feel free to post any pictures if you have them.
I use milk crates I leave mine on the floor in the coop I use shavings in them the chickens love them you can also hang them or make a shelf for them to sit on i just set them normal on the floor for smaller chickens you could set them on their side
So even without cutting part of the wall of the crate down they use them fine?

I wasnt sure if they'd like jumping down inside something like that!
I have mine set on their sides, but they are in a raised hutch that has a lip around it to keep the shavings inside. I also had to put a wall between the 2 boxes, seems they wanted a bit of privacy when laying. I'm going to keep one on the floor of the coop as well, standing up with a ramp up to it for my ducks.
Use them just as they are on the floor or up on a shelf. If you use them off the floor, just ensure they can't get knocked off.
Mine are weeks away from even needing these, but I have Buffs, Barred Rocks and RIR. It looks like at full size they would be cramped in there in this configuration??? Just trying to visualize when they grow up as they could ALL fit in one at this point!!
Should work perfectly for them just remember if you hook them to something make it easy to remove for cleaning

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