Using permethrin for fleas on peafowl

old biddy

12 Years
Sep 30, 2010
Lamont, Florida
I have found fleas on my birds. At first I thought they were mites but, no, they are tiny little fleas. I have dusted my peachick with a permethrin powder for poultry over the last several days and the fleas seem to be gone. I have also thoroughly dusted the pen and roost area. My question is: how often do I apply the powder to the pen and how often do I treat the peafowl? I want to eradicate the fleas but I don't want to overdo it with my peafowl, especially the chicks. The directions on the container don't indicate how often to use it safely and effectively. Any advice?
Use it in the coop and use Ivermec injectable on the birds.

I have been dusting and spraying my peacock house with permethrin once a week. Is that too often? I don't want it to be harmful to my birds. I have also been sprinkling the powder in the pen where they take their dust baths.
Were you able to contact a pest concontrol specialist to see what they recommend?

Actually, I did. They said I would have to remove all my birds from the area because what they were using would be toxic to the birds. I told them never mind. I can't recall what chemical it was but I have it somewhere in my records. I will let you know as soon as I find it.

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