Using the EcoGlow 20 Chick Brooder - Brinsea


In the Brooder
May 27, 2017
Northern WI
I feared using the lamps so I got the EcoGlow. It's been great that the girls get normal light cycles. They know when it's bed time and are quiet all night!
I read some place that chicks that use these types of heaters tend to not use them as long. My girls are 3 weeks old. One day after a short field trip outside they seemed to forget where the heater was after returning. They were very loud even after lights out. When I showed them where the heater was they settled in for the night. For the last week or so they seem to only sleep in front of it. A couple nights later I noticed they all huddled in the furthest corner from the heater but seemed happy and were quiet so I let them be.
Wondering if they are just outgrowing the need for it? Next week our weather is "supposed" to get a little warmer and be 40s and 50s at night. That would put them around 4 weeks when the weather gets better. If they continue to not use the heater would I be safe to move them outside? I've read so many things on this............some say 4 weeks, some say 6, and yet others say 8.


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Where do you keep them now? If inside the house, then there's no need for any heat source. Its good to acclimatise the chicks to the outdoors gradually, then being outdoors full time is not a shock to the system. I'll let those with experience of cooler temperatures advise re: age, but I know that generally, its around 6 weeks or so.
Where do you keep them now? If inside the house, then there's no need for any heat source. Its good to acclimatise the chicks to the outdoors gradually, then being outdoors full time is not a shock to the system. I'll let those with experience of cooler temperatures advise re: age, but I know that generally, its around 6 weeks or so.
Thanks so much! They are in my spare bedroom and it gets pretty warm in there. Last night they all slept in front of the heater again but not under it. I have a camera in there so I check on them without disturbing them. The brooder has three solid sides and one open side. Maybe I should open the window to cool the room or let the air conditioning cool the room on warm days and see if they go back to the heater? They are so excited to see us whenever we walk in and it takes two of us to be in there if we open the door because they almost all want to be held and one person cannot contain them all! hahaha I'm glad they are social and would love to get them into the coop so we could sit with them and play without the fear of them escaping to places they shouldn't! I will get a thermometer today and check on the temp in the coop for a couple days and try to gradually cool their room. They are not fully feathered but close, except the Buckeye, she only has some wing feathers and is so much smaller than the rest. She's feisty though and has a highest pitch peep so I know whenever she's "talking"!
I would say that if the weather is good the you should take them outside. My 2nd and 3rd generation of chicks where always outside (but they had a mother to sleep under). If they seem fine for a day or 2 then I would keep them outside but if not, I would try again in a week.
I've been watching them at night and the last couple nights they didn't use their heater at all. It's roughly 70 in the house, this morning I checked the coop and it too was 70 but some nights it gets to about 50. I've read people saying to wait for full feathers and they aren't quite there yet. They will be 4 weeks this Wednesday. All but one are starting with feathers on their head so I don't think it will be much longer! Once the grass dries we'll spend the day outside and see if they will venture in and out of the coop part! They haven't explored the coop portion yet. All but one love to roost in the brooder but sleep on the floor. The roosts in the big girl coop are much higher, is that ok? Should I make some lower temporary ones?
I had my last batch of chicks outdoors (with heat) at 3 weeks December. By 6 weeks they no longer used it. 70 degrees in the house at 4 weeks old? They don't need it.

Even in 20 degree temps my chicks would spend at least 50% of their time not under the heat lamp. They'd run under it to warm up and then right back out.

You won't want those chickens in your house at 6 weeks old-best to start the process of weaning them off heat and getting them in that coop!
Thanks! We're hoping to finish up predator proofing today and having them out for the day. The weather looks ok for tonight but the next couple nights are 40ish, then back into the 50s. Like, I said, Wednesday is 4 weeks so I'm going to shoot for late this week to make the permanent transition! THANKS for the advice. I'm a first timer so I'm not sure what to believe when I read stuff! hahaha :barnie:eek: Happy to hear we are close though! Love spending time with them outside where we don't have to worry about them escaping!
Thanks! We're hoping to finish up predator proofing today and having them out for the day. The weather looks ok for tonight but the next couple nights are 40ish, then back into the 50s. Like, I said, Wednesday is 4 weeks so I'm going to shoot for late this week to make the permanent transition! THANKS for the advice. I'm a first timer so I'm not sure what to believe when I read stuff! hahaha :barnie:eek: Happy to hear we are close though! Love spending time with them outside where we don't have to worry about them escaping!

They're much more fun when they are outdoors! More social (I think) plus the added bonus of all that dander and dust not being in the house!! Maybe try taking them out for extended trips during the day when it is warmer. Give them a little transition time and then full time. That way they don't go from 70 to 40. Good luck!
They're much more fun when they are outdoors! More social (I think) plus the added bonus of all that dander and dust not being in the house!! Maybe try taking them out for extended trips during the day when it is warmer. Give them a little transition time and then full time. That way they don't go from 70 to 40. Good luck!
We have been out a couple times. As soon as it dries they will be out today. Going to try the coop first with open door so they can go in and out! Hope to train them to come in when called.
Well, I moved them out to the big girl coop yesterday. They are OK but don't seem happy with me. When I go in to visit they don't want to come by me like they did indoors. They huddle up. They do eat and drink but almost seem mad at me. Is that even possible? After work we'll go visit again and see how it's going.

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