Using the egg cartoon methods with shipped eggs??


11 Years
Aug 19, 2008
So I am on day 15 and I soon have to make a decision on how to hatch my shipped silkie eggs. They have wobbly air cells at the moment, but seem to be developing well! I am leaning towards letting them hatch upright in an egg cartoon. Those who have used this methods with shipped eggs can you please share your experience?

I have shipped eggs l and was going to use this method as well. I'm on day 8 so I have a bit of time. It will be nice to see what others outcomes were using this method.
I would recommend it. My last shipped eggs 12 polish had awful air cells right from the start was convinced nothing would hatch out of them so I used egg cartons the card board ones. Cut them right down so they were quite shallow. Locked all 12 eggs down and to my surprise all 12 hatched!! Love the method so much I now do all my eggs like it. It also make clean up after hatch that bit easier. Good luck with your hatch :fl
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If the air cells are still wobbly at lock-down then the best thing to do would be to use the egg carton method I think.

I had a bad experience with my last batch of shipped duck eggs using this method, though. Two of the three that made it to lock-down started to hatch from the small ends!! So, being in the egg carton was keeping them upside down and in the fluid inside the eggs! Luckily, I noticed this in time to save one of the ducklings, but not the other. So, I just tell people to proceed with caution and keep a close eye for signs of pipping on the wrong ends (which is more common in shipped eggs it seems).
Yup, but in any case pipping on the wrong side of the egg is a bad sign!
Anybody of pictures to share of hatching eggs in egg cartoons?





I had a 100% hatch. 11/11 hatched pic of one just hatched and then when I moved 10 of them into brooder was still waiting for the last egg.
Amazing!! Today is day 18! Time to transfer them into the egg cartoons!! What is a good hatching humidity! Currently at 47, thinking of raising it to 65 percent! It is so cold and dry her with Fall arriving! Burr!!
Hi yes 65% good for hatching I always have 65% and havnt had problems. Yes weather just starting to turn here too in UK. This was my last hatch for this year so unfortunately I'm going to have to put my incubator away :(

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