Using white light in coop keep predators away at night?


8 Years
Mar 13, 2011
Just thinking will a white light keep away the noctunal predators? Can chickens sleep through the white light though?
It's not a good idea to keep a light on all night. They don't rest as well and can start showing stress like feather picking. Some people have had good success with keeping a radio on a talk station.
I've heard that a motion-sensor light can help, too. No personal experience here, just what I've heard.
We've got coyotes, black bears, & bobcats in addition to the typical raccoons, possums, & hawks around here. I haven't heard the mtn lion's call in several years, but I suspect that they're still around.
My birds are still young, but their yard will be fully enclosed when they move out. Got good advice from neighbors about keeping my chickens safe before I planned their home. Maybe you've got someone nearby that could give local advice?
Would a red light be best then? Mine are still 4 weeeks so they have to have a light on all the time for a little while.
I don't think that lights of any color have any effect at all once they get used to them. If you've ever been to the nocturnal animal exhibit at a zoo they use red lights so the animals are NOT disturbed and we can still see them. Whenever I turn on my outside lights at night I see animals that don't seem the least bit alarmed by the light. At my parents' house they leave a small yard light on all night next to the house and everything from deer to skunks prowl right up to the house. Your best bet is to make your coop and run as secure as possible and lock your birds in the coop at night. The expense for better wire and better construction is worth the peace of mind.
Spotlights in my back porch just made it easier for racoons to find the birdseed feeders and garbage can, and I could watch them feed at night better. Red lights won't help, coyote and coon hunters use red lights at night so they won't scare away the critters.

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