Vaccination - Salmonella


In the Brooder
Aug 26, 2015
South Florida

Let me start off by saying that I am new to chickens.

I have read articles about the salmonella vaccine and I feel it is a good idea to vaccinate my chicks with. However, I have not been able to find it anywhere.

I wonder if it is available in the U.S.

The only vaccine I have found in my area is fowl pox.

I assume that is the only vaccine we should worry about in South Florida.

Anyone know how I can get my hands on the salmonella?
Shouldn't really be necessary, all chickens carry some form of salmonella naturally.
But maybe there's a specific strain in your area that needs to be vaccinated against?
Maybe you're immunosupressed so have a serious reason to be super vigilant?

Usually it's only a concern in production facilities where it can flourish and mutate, tainting grocery store meats.

Just wash your hands after handling the birds, kids especially need to learn to keep their hands out of their mouths and wash vigorously with lots of soap and water after handling birds.

You can 'wash' or sanitize your eggs too if you feel it necessary, then refrigerate until eating them.

We don't have an issue with salmonella or anything to worry about out of the norm. Just been reading of the benefits of vaccinating against it.

Was wondering if anyone know where I can purchase the vaccine.

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