Vantress. Anyone know that breed?


In the Brooder
Jul 11, 2016
Hey there you guys! I got my first chicken last Sunday. I bought the chicken because I thought it looked cool and cute. The person said it is a Vantress chicken. I researched and what I found is that people sell these as broilers. The thing is I read that broilers are bred for meat and they dont live long. I want it as a pet. If it is a broiler. Got any suggestion on making it live longer? Here is a picture of her.

Looks like it maybe to late. She appears to be going down on her legs already. I'd find another hen of a laying breed to replace her before you get to attached.
Looks like it maybe to late. She appears to be going down on her legs already. I'd find another hen of a laying breed to replace her before you get to attached.

i see. I guess I will just have to try keep her alive as much as possible. If she dies, do you think it is safe to eat her? I put her on antibiotics. I dont even wanna think about eating her though.
Looks like it maybe to late. She appears to be going down on her legs already. I'd find another hen of a laying breed to replace her before you get to attached.
I agree. It's really not a kindness to extend the life of a broiler. They are bred to eat anything you put in front of them and grow like crazy. Keep them too long, and you will end up with a chicken suffering from leg problems, or possibly heart problems. Do you really want your pet to suffer? I would find someone to take her and, as suggested, find yourself a nice laying breed or a froo-froo chicken (frizzle, sizzle, silkie, etc.) for your pet. I'm sorry this first chicken is not one bred to live a long life.
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i see. I guess I will just have to try keep her alive as much as possible. If she dies, do you think it is safe to eat her? I put her on antibiotics. I dont even wanna think about eating her though.
Not sure why you put her on antibiotics... I would not eat a bird that we didn't kill ourselves. If you can't think about eating her, please find someone who can, and get yourself a healthier chicken to be your pet.
She w
Not sure why you put her on antibiotics... I would not eat a bird that we didn't kill ourselves. If you can't think about eating her, please find someone who can, and get yourself a healthier chicken to be your pet. 

She was pooping really wet green poop. Thought she would be be infected with something. After the antibiotics, she started to have better looking poop.
I agree. It's really not a kindness to extend the life of a broiler. They are bred to eat anything you put in front of them and grow like crazy. Keep them too long, and you will end up with a chicken suffering from leg problems, or possibly heart problems. Do you really want your pet to suffer? I would find someone to take her and, as suggested, find yourself a nice laying breed or a froo-froo chicken (frizzle, sizzle, silkie, etc.) for your pet. I'm sorry this first chicken is not one bred to live a long life.

I guess. Well,I better start looking for some chickens as pets. Poor thing. I feel bad for it. Thank you for the reply.
I agree. It's really not a kindness to extend the life of a broiler. They are bred to eat anything you put in front of them and grow like crazy. Keep them too long, and you will end up with a chicken suffering from leg problems, or possibly heart problems. Do you really want your pet to suffer? I would find someone to take her and, as suggested, find yourself a nice laying breed or a froo-froo chicken (frizzle, sizzle, silkie, etc.) for your pet. I'm sorry this first chicken is not one bred to live a long life.

Popular belief is that broilers wont live long. That is somewhat true if they are fed like the meat industry does.

If you give it space to range and dont over feed with commercial feed at 24% protein at day 1 you can grow a broiler that lives to be years old.

Also killing a bird because you think it's in misery because it wasnt bred like a heritage bird dont make sense to me either. I mean if you were to get in that birds head I bet it would choose to live because that's just instinct.

My opinion there. It is a meat bird and it's a chicken. I try not to allow myself to get attached to livestock and dont think keeping them for a pet is a good idea. For one they dont live that long and losing a pet is like losing a family member to me.

It gets tough though. I've actually kept broilers and other hens and even roosters for years and it is easy to get attached. Funny but I have memories about a couple broiler hens that we just let live and yeah, the whole family was sad when they passed.

Same kind of thing happens with breeding birds.

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