Variations in Araucana...

interestingly after seeing your post I've just spent ages looking for a French club and they don't seem to have one! The sites I have found link off to the US one. Still clueless if my chicks have any sort of quality or not! i'll have a deeper chat with the lady I got the eggs from at some point!

So what do you think mine are going to be colour wise now they are starting to get feathers (3 weeks old tomorrow)? Quality wise - do they look OK or a bit rubbish? I've got 2 that are this colour:


And this little one I thought was a pale grey but now the feathers are coming in it looks like it will be white (although I'm not sure if I can see some beige?). Thoughts anyone who has more of a clue than my total cluelessness?


Please excuse the cardboard - it was to stop them going through the wire into the main run when they were really tiny! I stupidly took it down after photos! Is that crest bigger than a pullets crest or is it way to early to tell? You can see some beige'y colour but not sure if it is just skin or colour?
I know this is an old post but I’m very interested to see how these turned out! I’ve picked up an aracauna mixed chick (I suspect) so trying to compare

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