Hey! So we are hoping to get materials for our chicken coop this weekend. I have been browsing through posts on here about coops and have some questions. First, we live in Alabama (centralish area). We get hot and humid in the summer typically 80s/90s with 90% humidity at times. The coldest we typically get is highs in the 20s and lows around 9 at night but that is the coldest and typically happens only a day or two a year with the average being in the 30s in the day and upper teens at night in the coldest part of winter. What is the best way to to ventilate my coop? I was thinking a large window on two sides cut out of wood with hinges so it can be folded up in the heat and latched in the cold (one example in the second video). What gauge and size hardware cloth is enough?
Would this style vent work? https://www.homedepot.com/p/Master-Flow-16-in-x-8-in-Aluminum-Under-Eave-Soffit-Vent-in-White-EAC16X8W/100023618?keyword=eve+vents&semanticToken=21040+++>++++st:{eve+vents}:st++cn:{0:0}++vents+{brand}+eve+{rest}+ How many (1 on each side)?
I was reading some other coop cost posts saying it would be around $1500 to build a coop... That's way to much for me. lol I plan on building something similar to this coop from tractor supply but a bit bigger. I have 6 chickens but thought of building the coop for 8. I don't plan on making the drawers at the bottom and plan on making the door on the side of the coop to be the whole length of the coop to make for easy cleaning. I also planned on the nest boxes to jut out on the side.
Here's two videos on youtube that I planned on using to make mine very similar.
(I'm not making a mobile coop but like the design for a permanent coop) and
Surely either of those won't be $1k. I'm looking to stay around $500. Is that completely unrealistic?
Would this style vent work? https://www.homedepot.com/p/Master-Flow-16-in-x-8-in-Aluminum-Under-Eave-Soffit-Vent-in-White-EAC16X8W/100023618?keyword=eve+vents&semanticToken=21040+++>++++st:{eve+vents}:st++cn:{0:0}++vents+{brand}+eve+{rest}+ How many (1 on each side)?
I was reading some other coop cost posts saying it would be around $1500 to build a coop... That's way to much for me. lol I plan on building something similar to this coop from tractor supply but a bit bigger. I have 6 chickens but thought of building the coop for 8. I don't plan on making the drawers at the bottom and plan on making the door on the side of the coop to be the whole length of the coop to make for easy cleaning. I also planned on the nest boxes to jut out on the side.
Here's two videos on youtube that I planned on using to make mine very similar.