Verifying breeds


12 Years
Aug 19, 2007
I was told these red hens and my Roo are Wyndotts (not sure on the spelling). what kind? I saved my chickens from someone who could no longer take care of them and their conditions were (I thought) dispicable! The Roo never had a tail as long as I've known him (a few months) will it grow back??

Also the last picture is of my Young Roo, that is an Americauna (is the spelling right?)




I'm totally new to the whole chicken thing, and I'm new to this website, in reading other threads I've heard the names "Gold Laced Wyandottes and Blue Laced Wyandottes". What's the difference and are my Wyandottes either of those?
The first pic looks to be a gold laced. I'll leave it to the better experts than myself to id the others.

Congrats on rescuing your chickens! They do look pretty happy in the pics.
I think they are really happy! They have a huge coop, and they free range all over 1 of my 5 acres! When we bought our home we made friends with our neighbor who was a truck driver and he started giving us eggs. Well I started going over there to take care of them when he was gone and learned that there were 30 of them in a small run. Most of them were half bald and the Wyandotte Rooster was so fat and out of shape that he was always laying down.

I offered to take them but he wouldn't give them to me until his placed was foreclosed on and he didn't have a place to live except his truck. Anyway, the rooster is much healthier now and is the proud father of my chicks and runs all over with the hens! Most of them have gained all their feathers back. He claimed to have paid $300 for the Rooster.

The best part is I now am Grasshopper free here in Texas where them nasty bugs can be a huge pest!
The first is a Gold Laced Wyandotte. The second one and your rooster appear to be Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, although probably not the best coloring, but that particular color isn't my area of expertise. It's a great breed. I have three Silver Laced myself.
The first one looks to be Gold Laced, although she could be a very dark Blue Laced.

The other hen is Blue Laced as is the Rooster. His tail feathers will grow back at his next molt, probably soon.

The last photo is an Easter Egger hen.

Good for you to rescue them!
They look happy and that rooster is gorgeous. I doubt the guy paid $300 for him, unless he was very drunk and or crazy. Even high quality show stock don't go for that much, and Blue Laced Red Wyandottes are not that rare.
Thanks for the info.

Yeah, I thought he was just trying to show off to someone who didn't know any better (myself) but even I thought $300 dollars for a chicken was way rediculous and that he was lying.

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